美國兒童醫院一般由兒童腫瘤內科醫師中對神經腫瘤內科有專長的醫師擔任腦幹膠質瘤的主治醫師。 腦腫瘤分為可能手術和不能手術兩種。 可能手術的病人由兒童神經外科醫師手術。並有神經腫瘤內科和放療專家決定術後放療和化療方案。不能或不需手術的病人有觀察, 放療, 靶向治療等方案。 整個治療有很大一個專家團隊。 健壇好像沒有這樣一個專家團隊可以回答非常具體的問題。但是National Cancer Institute 對兒童腦幹膠質瘤的治療方案有以下描述。希望有幫助。
http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/pdq/treatment/child-brain-stem-gli deoma/Patient/page5
Treatment Options for Childhood Brain Stem Glioma
Newly Diagnosed Childhood Brain Stem Glioma
Recurrent Childhood Brain Stem Glioma
Newly Diagnosed Childhood Brain Stem Glioma
Newly diagnosed childhood brain stem glioma is a tumor for which no treatment has been given. The child may have received drugs or treatment to relieve signs or symptoms caused by the tumor.
Standard treatment of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) may include the following:
Radiation therapy.
Chemotherapy (in infants).
Standard treatment of focal or low-grade glioma may include the following:
Surgery that may be followed by external radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy.
Observation for small tumors that grow slowly. Cerebrospinal fluid diversion may be done when there is extra fluid in the brain.
Internal radiation therapy with radioactive seeds, with or without chemotherapy, when the tumor cannot be removed by surgery.
Targeted therapy with a BRAF kinase inhibitor, for certain tumors that cannot be removed by surgery.
Treatment of brain stem glioma in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 may be observation. The tumors are slow-growing in these children and may not need specific treatment for years.
Check for U.S. clinical trials from NCI's list of cancer clinical trials that are now accepting patients with untreated childhood brain stem glioma. For more specific results, refine the search by using other search features, such as the location of the trial, the type of treatment, or the name of the drug. Talk with your child's doctor about clinical trials that may be right for your child. General information about clinical trials is available from the NCI Web site.
美國National Cancer Institute 對兒童腦幹膠質瘤的治療方案
美國National Cancer Institute 兒童腦幹膠質瘤的Website寫得很好,很有用。
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08/24/2014 postreply