When describing the survival experience of a group of people or patients typically the method of overall survival is used, and it presents estimates of the proportion of people or patients alive at a certain point in time. The problem with measuring overall survival using Kaplan-Meier or actuarial survival methods, is that the estimates include two causes of death: 1) deaths due to the disease of interest and; 2) deaths due to all other causes, which includes old age, other cancers, trauma and any other possible cause of death. In general, we are interested in the deaths due to a disease rather than all causes, and therefore a "cause-specific survival analysis" is employed to measure disease-specific survival. Thus, there are two ways in performing a cause-specific survival analysis。。。。
• 我會出一貼關於癌症病人真正5年的生存率,是通過相對生存率換算而來的。 -tournier- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/23/2014 postreply 20:27:23