Absolute number of 5-year survivors due to chemotherapy嗎?
注意它不是Absolute number of 5-year survivor,後麵有一個due to chemotherapy的定語修飾,然後後麵還有一個十字形標記,表示其定義需要在文章裏尋找。
the absolute number of individuals obtaining an improvement in 5-year survival as a result of chemotherapy was the product of the number of newly diagnosed cancer patients aged over 20 years with that malignancy, the proportion or subgroup(s) showing a ben- efit, and the percentage increase in 5-year survival resulting solely from cytotoxic chemotherapy.
本帖於 2014-08-23 20:14:02 時間, 由普通用戶 惡俗老狼 編輯
• 會出一貼解釋一下相對生存率是怎麽回事?再說一遍,這具有極大的欺騙性。不過就是照你的解讀,化療的貢獻也就2.1% -tournier- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/23/2014 postreply 20:19:06