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華瀛醫生建議你用中醫中藥治療,我相信這行得通,因為我的父母曾見證過一位嚴重的SLE患者經中醫治療傳奇般起死回生的例子。可惜在國外,大家能夠找到好的醫源有困難。因此建議你用The  Gerson Therapy來幫助你女兒擺脫、真正治愈SLE。不過現在最要緊的事是穩定病情,在病情穩定之前,最好還是不要有大的動作。


The Gerson Therapy是非常powerful、intensive therapy, 我本人讀過4本關於這個Therapy的書,包括Dr Gerson這位傑出醫生的傳記。這個Therapy並不是針對某種特殊的疾病(雖然它最終是target癌症),它是通過排毒和大量補充營養來restore proper fuctions of human body。當然它也有救治的極限和治不好的病,但SLE不在此列。

要具體、深入了解這個Therapy, 需要讀書。我本人喜歡泛讀,在不同的書中能收獲到不同的東西。下麵粗略談談我讀過的其中兩本(另附帶一本有針對性的)關於The Gerson Therapy的書。

Healing the Gerson Way 這本書中具體談到了治療SLE,它用了cure 這個詞,不是控製。這本書有這一療法的具體操作。

The Gerson Therapy 這本書中有許多病例和這一療法的具體操作。我本人較喜歡這本書,因為有許多各種病例可讀,這些病例都有真名實姓。

Healing Auto -Immune Disease The Gerson Way 這本書我還沒讀過,它應該是針對自動免疫性疾病的具體操作。

我的博克裏有三篇博文(三部紀錄片)是關於這位卓越的醫生和他的Therapy,感興趣的話就去看看。你也可以去網站Gerson Institute去大致了解一下這個療法的曆史和現狀。

請讀一下下麵在Amazon網站一位患者對The Gerson Therapy這本書的評估(你的女兒應該遠沒有這個病例嚴重,徹底康複的時間應該要比她的短得多),分享一下這位SLE患者用The Gerson Therapy 治愈SLE的經曆。它是在The Gerson Therapy這本書的review裏(打開後第一個Review).

467 of 471 people found the following review helpful By NuevoMexico on December 28, 2005
Format: Paperback
The Gerson Therapy saved my life.

I was diagnosed with SLE ( Lupus), and there was nothing that the M.D.'s could offer me, except Prednisone...which was urged upon me.

Through the fortunate advice of a friend, I read the Gerson book...and to make a very long story short, I decided to do the program.

Let me just say here, in rebuttal to the first reviewer of this book, that NOWHERE in this book does it suggest that on should JUST do coffe enemas. Quite the contrary. If one is doing coffee enemas, it is essential that one ALSO be drinking the juices.

In fact, if one is serious about getting well, it is absolutely essential that one do the program to the letter- not just some elements.

I stayed on the Gerson program for two and one half years. Hard? Yes.

But I came out of it healed.

I went into the program so very sick, hair falling out, skin sores, terrible joint pain, failing kidneys.

That was more than fifteen years ago , now, with no recurrance. And I neved did take the Prednisone.

I did the Therapy at home, with the Gerson book as my guide. ( The Gerson staff, in terms of support and more information, were my telephone angels.)

So, while my experience was not with cancer, I most certainly will recommend this book to those who suffer from auto-immune disorders, and also to those those who simply are interested in knowing how bertter to preserve and restore health.


謝謝你的建議和分享,已經剛剛買了一本,會一直關注下去。 -shangxinmm- 給 shangxinmm 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/07/2014 postreply 06:28:05

不客氣。Dr Gerson曾是一位聲譽卓著的德國醫生,不是靠小打小鬧起家。 -tournier- 給 tournier 發送悄悄話 tournier 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/07/2014 postreply 06:51:08

他的療法在沒有抗生素的情況下曾救了許多晚期結核病患者的命,在移民美國之前在歐洲已很有名氣。 -tournier- 給 tournier 發送悄悄話 tournier 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 08/07/2014 postreply 06:55:32



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