FDA2003年批準用生長素治療健康但最矮的1,2% 的孩子。國內也跟進。治療效果看人。

FDA2003年批準用生長素治療健康但最矮的1,2% 的孩子。國內也跟進。治療效果看人。治療前很難預知誰效果會好。平均增長1.6到2.4英寸。 基本上無法改變偏矮的事實。 長期腫瘤副作用目前不清楚。 很有爭議。但還是有家長願意試。 目前兒童內分泌科仔細evaluate後才能決定是否用。

FDA 2003 年approved growth hormone (GH) to promote accelerated growth and adult height in the shortest 1.2% of children and adolescents who do not have any detectable medical problems. GH had previously been approved for treating youths with GH deficiency; in this case, medication was substituting for a hormone that these children’s bodies were not producing on their own. GH was then given to children with other medical conditions; for example, Prader-Willi in which metabolic benefits from treatment have been reported.
