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Coffee and Hot Tea May Increase Throat Cancer Risk


According to a recent research study, drinking hot coffee and tea can increase your risk of developing a certain type of esophageal cancer. Researchers determined that drinking beverages such as tea and coffee at a temperature above 156 degrees Farenheit doubled the risk of esophageal cancer. Drinking coffee or tea at or above 158 degrees actually increased the risk of cancer eight-fold.

Fast Facts:

  • The latest research verifies findings of an Islamic study which explored the link between drinking very hot tea and esophageal cancer.
  • Scientists in the Islamic study believe that the inflammation of the esophagus caused by repeatedly drinking extremely hot liquids damages the cells leading to an increase in esophageal cancer.
  • Researchers believe that while drinking excessively hot tea may increase the risk of cancer, allowing boiling beverages to cool for at least four minutes will allow the temperature to reach a safe level for consumption.


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