

給您抽血的可能是抽血員(Phlebotomist,不一定是護士。 美國注冊護士學曆高,工資高。

此地抽血員一年工資聽說隻有三萬多,便宜多了。所以在醫院門診抽血的大部分是抽血員。病房的常規抽血也可以把抽血員叫過來抽。這樣降低了護士的工作量和醫院的cost。可惜這樣一來,很多護士的抽血技術就廢掉了。至少我院的某些護士長會告訴大家她不喜歡她的護士小姐抽血,浪費她們的時間,她對她們的技術也沒把握??? 當然美國地方大,每個州,每個醫院都不同。 這是我院的情況。而醫院裏我知道的有三位抽血員,技術真是一級。當然他們也是忙得不可開教的。不過他們隻能抽經皮膚的周圍靜脈。靜脈裝置如給癌症病患的Port-A-Cath都不能抽。 那要護士抽。


Phlebotomists are people trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research. Phlebotomists collect blood primarily by performing venipunctures, (or, for collection of minute quantities of blood, fingersticks).[1] Blood may be collected from infants by means of a heel stick. The duties of a phlebotomist may include properly identifying the patient, interpreting the tests requested on the requisition, drawing blood into the correct tubes with the proper additives, accurately explaining the procedure to the patients, preparing patients accordingly, practicing the required forms of asepsis, practicing standard and universal precautions, performing the skin/vein puncture, withdrawing blood into containers or tubes, restoring hemostasis of the puncture site, instructing patients on post-puncture care, ordering tests per the doctor's requisition, affixing tubes with electronically printed labels, and delivering specimens to a laboratory.

United States

Special state certification in the United States is required only in four states: California, Washington, Nevada, and Louisiana. A phlebotomist can become nationally certified through many different organizations. However, California currently only accepts national certificates from six agencies. These include: American Certification Agency (ACA), American Medical Technologists (AMT), American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), National Center for Competency Testing/Multi-skilled Medical Certification Institute (NCCT/MMCI), National Credentialing Agency (NCA), National Healthcareer Association (NHA), and National Phlebotomy Continuing Education (NPCE). These and other agencies also certify phlebotomists outside the state of California. In order to qualify to sit for an examination, candidates must complete of a full phlebotomy course and provide documentation of clinical or laboratory experience.
