雄激素或雌激素(Estrogen therapy時單用雌激素治療) 可能提高卵巢癌風險.

回答: 了解卵巢癌閩姑2014-06-10 20:08:57


Androgens are male hormones. Danazol, a drug that increases androgen levels, was linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer in a small study. In a larger study, this link was not confirmed, but women who took androgens were found to have a higher risk of ovarian cancer. Further studies of the role of androgens in ovarian cancer are planned.

Estrogen therapy and hormone therapy(雌激素治療)

Some recent studies suggest women using estrogens after menopause have an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer. The risk seems to be higher in women taking estrogen alone (without progesterone) for many years (at least 5 or 10). The increased risk is less certain for women taking both estrogen and progesterone.


What are the risk factors for ovarian cancer?
