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昨日BBC News報道了發表在Science的最新文章,揭示了好的睡眠可幫助學習和記憶的原理: 睡眠是大腦形成大量新的神經元突觸(Synapse)的寶貴時間。突觸是兩個神經元間的聯絡通道。新突觸的形成對學習和記憶非常關鍵。研究還發現:用熬夜為代價強化訓練學習是得不償失的, 因為學的趕不上喪失。

全文: http://www.bbc.com/news/health-27695144

Sleep's memory role discovered

Brain in a head

The mechanism by which a good night's sleep improves learning and memory has been discovered by scientists.


The team in China and the US used advanced microscopy to witness new connections between brain cells - synapses - forming during sleep.

Their study, published in the journal Science, showed even intense training could not make up for lost sleep.

Experts said it was an elegant and significant study, which uncovered the mechanisms of memory.

It is well known that sleep plays an important role in memory and learning. But what actually happens inside the brain has been a source of considerable debate.

Researchers at New York University School of Medicine and Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School trained mice in a new skill - walking on top of a rotating rod.

They then looked inside the living brain with a microscope to see what happened when the animals were either sleeping or sleep deprived.

Their study showed that sleeping mice formed significantly more new connections between neurons - they were learning more.

A connection between two brain cells

And by disrupting specific phases of sleep, the research group showed deep or slow-wave sleep was necessary for memory formation.

During this stage, the brain was "replaying" the activity from earlier in the day.

Prof Wen-Biao Gan, from New York University, told the BBC: "Finding out sleep promotes new connections between neurons is new, nobody knew this before.

"We thought sleep helped, but it could have been other causes, and we show it really helps to make connections and that in sleep the brain is not quiet, it is replaying what happened during the day and it seems quite important for making the connections."



These include:

  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • type-2 diabetes
  • infections
  • obesity

12月份發表的與神經元和突觸有關的一項研究: 抑鬱症時大腦記憶的關鍵部位海馬體發生改變,令神經元和突觸更新減緩。同時抑鬱帶來的嚴重失眠進一步惡化了狀況,使得學習認知和記憶能力下降。

Hippocampal volume loss in depression reflects glial loss

December 17, 2013
 Depression has been associated with reduced volume of the hippocampus in magnetic resonance imaging studies in humans. A new study now clarifies the cellular basis of these volumetric changes, which have been unclear until now. Beginning in the 1980s, a series of studies in rodents suggested that an area of the hippocampus, a brain region implicated in mood and memory, was particularly vulnerable to stress. When analyzing the brain tissue in detail, they reported loss of nerve cells called neurons with stress.



