你狗下Coffee Enema, 網上有很多文章。

來源: Manymore 2014-05-29 09:00:17 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3234 bytes)
Coffee Enema因為大家是喜歡的咖啡,不走前門走後門,所以一開始很多人都難以接受。但是這是一種傳統的排毒的方法,使用年頭很長,聲明的原理是咖啡在腸子裏刺激肝膽分泌膽汁,得以排毒。其實喝咖啡對肝髒也有類似的作用,但是要小很多。不少人是在使用這種方法,並且聲明很多好處(你狗一下應該能看到很多),不少人也是強烈反對,很多都是無法接受這種方法,想象香濃小資的Starbucks怎麽可以變成Starbutts:))而且這種方法因為不是正式的治療方式,沒有正式的實驗過程,所以結果一般沒有統計上的意義,經常就是case by case, 但是很多選擇療法都是這個樣子,所以要自己判斷。
你要感興趣你可以自己買書“The Gerson Theropy"看詳細的介紹。About.com上的簡單介紹我覺得還是比較客觀:如果腸子有傷口,咖啡可以直接進到血液裏,或者心髒很不好,就不建議使用。另外要注意電解質的平衡。另外不管用什麽方法,都是少用量,短時間起步,如有不適就停止。最後還是要防止上癮。上次看電視,有對夫妻做咖啡灌腸上癮,每天好幾次,嗬嗬~~ 祝健康。

Why Do People Have Coffee Enemas

Proponents of coffee enemas believe that the coffee stimulates the liver and helps remove toxins in the body. Some alternative practitioners recommend coffee enemas for detoxification.

Coffee enemas are also being explored as an alternative cancer treatment for cancer. A main proponent of coffee enemas for cancer is New York physician Nicholas Gonzalez. Coffee enemas are thought to relieve symptoms such as muscle aches and pains and rashes. Although the effectiveness of Gonzalez's regimen is being studied by the by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), there's no research involving human subjects that shows it can help.

Possible Side Effects

People with certain conditions, such as diverticular disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, severe hemorrhoids, blood vessel disease, congestive heart failure, heart disease, severe anemia, abdominal hernia, gastrointestinal cancer, recent colon surgery, and intestinal tumors should avoid coffee enemas.

Pregnant or nursing women and children should not have coffee enemas.

Like coffee consumed orally, coffee enemas can be stimulating and result in caffeine dependence.



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