上星期做的CT.請求醫生們給翻譯一下 CT結果。看看我的病是否很重?先萬分感謝你們的回複!!


Subcentimeter sizemediastinal lymph nodes are again noted.

there iscontinued evolving natureof bilateral, basilar predominant patchy nodular and linear airspace opacities involving both lungs. someofthe opacities cintinue to have decreased orresolved since 2012.

New 9 mm ground-glass nodule is seen involving the posterior left lower lobe. There is stable apearance to the linear nodular opacity involving the anterior inferior lingula.

Central bronchiectasis is not signigicantly changed. Nopleural effusions are seen developing. No other changesare noted.


1.Continued evolution of bilateral patchy nodular and linear airspace opacities
2. pattern of involvement still suggests inflammatory, infectious etiology.This includes possibility of atypical mycobacterium.
2. follow up CT could document resolution versus progression.
