
來源: 豆豆L 2013-11-26 15:43:10 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3272 bytes)
無意中看到這篇文章“Make These 3 Changes to Increase Calorie Burn”,裏麵有些東西還是可以參考的,所以拿來和大家分享下。
Exercise is essential when it comes to dropping pounds. So if you're eager to lose the weight, then here are three everyday changes that will help increase your calorie burn.
1. Moving workouts to early mornings may mean exercising before the sun rises, but here's the big payoff: morning exercisers burn more calories. Research shows that people who exercise in the a.m. work harder and for longer periods of time, which may be because they're more alert, energetic, and don't feel as rushed as afternoon or evening exercisers. Getting into a regular morning routine also means you're more likely to stick with it, which will help even more on your weight-loss journey.
2. Get Speedy When it comes to cardio, running will help you lose more weight than walking since it burns more calories, but if you increase your speed just a little, then you'll burn even more. And don't stick to a consistent pace the entire workout. Adding sprinting intervals is an effective way to increase your calorie burn and has also been proven to reduce belly fat. Also be sure to swing those arms as you move, and you'll burn 15 percent more calories.
3. Strength Train in the Ladies' Room Muscle burns more calories than fat does, so the more muscle mass you have, the better it is for weight loss. Don't just hit the weight room at the gym. Include strength training moves throughout your day, such as push-ups on the bathroom counter and two minutes of squats while you brush your teeth. You can also work your body by carrying a basket instead of pushing a cart, using the stairs whenever possible, and sitting on an exercise ball instead of a chair.


肌肉的代謝水平比脂肪高,這是確定的。不過文章裏建議的在女衛生間用洗手台做push up……嗯,算是個好點子,不過感覺不實用——被同事看見不會覺得尷尬的麽?對著牆推推就可以了(肌肉力量差的),或者直接做平地的俯臥撐。但是練練肌肉強度的建議是不錯的,比如下蹲或者舉舉啞鈴什麽的。有空就可以動動,比如站著扭扭腰轉轉脖子也可以防止肩周炎和頸椎病。




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