這是November 5, 2013 CNN一篇供父母參考的好文章(美國父母也體罰孩子):
Kids behaving badly: When old rules of discipline no longer apply
To spank or not to spank?
If a parent's first course of action to deal with their child's behavior is not working, they should try something else, but probably not spanking, according to psychologists who say it hasn't been shown to be good for kids.
A recent study published in the journal Pediatrics found that 5-year-olds who were spanked went on to have greater behavior problems in elementary school than kids who did not get spanked.
Despite the reporting over the years that spanking is for naught, many parents still seem to do it. More than half of the mothers questioned in the Pediatrics study reported spanking their kids at age 3 and at age 5.
"Spanking teaches hitting, it's that simple," said Pickhardt. "So that if you don't get your way and you're bigger than me, you can hit me to get your way. That's the lesson of spanking."
"I'm not going to demonize any parent who utilizes spanking," said Renner. "Do I feel that that's the most effective way? No, I don't. ... I think there are other tools that we can use."