consulting experts here in interpreting my husband’s MRI report.

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Thanks in advance. Anna

Here is the full report:

Result Narrative from MRI

Patient information: Age 44 ( Male)



  Imaging: A localizer, sagittal T2 space, T2 restore, T1, axial T2 and
coronal diffusion and corresponding ADC, bilateral coronal obliques.

 The osseous structures are normal in alignment and signal
characteristics. The spinal cord is normal in size and signal
characteristics. No region of unexpected enhancement is seen.  No
significant disc bulge, foraminal stenosis, or canal stenosis.
C2-C3: The disc is normal in height and signal characteristics without
evidence of herniation. The vertebral body and posterior elements are
normal in appearance. There is no spinal canal or neuroforaminal
C3-C4: The disc is normal in height and signal characteristics without
evidence of herniation. The vertebral body and posterior elements are
normal in appearance. There is no spinal canal or neuroforaminal
C4-C5:  The disc is normal in height and signal characteristics
without evidence of herniation. The vertebral body and posterior
elements are normal in appearance. There is no spinal canal or
neuroforaminal narrowing.
C5-C6:  The disc is normal in height and signal characteristics
without evidence of herniation. The vertebral body and posterior
elements are normal in appearance. Mild left neuroforaminal narrowing.
No neural foraminal narrowing on the right. No spinal canal stenosis.
C6-C7:   The disc is normal in height and signal characteristics
without evidence of herniation. The vertebral body and posterior
elements are normal in appearance. There is no spinal canal or
neuroforaminal narrowing.
C7-T1:   The disc is normal in height and signal characteristics
without evidence of herniation. The vertebral body and posterior
elements are normal in appearance. There is no spinal canal or
neuroforaminal narrowing. 


 Result Impression




1. Mild left C5-C6 neural foraminal narrowing. Otherwise unremarkable
MRI of the cervical spine.


回複:正常 -neiku- 給 neiku 發送悄悄話 (2074 bytes) () 10/17/2013 postreply 12:59:42

回複:有左側頸椎神經孔輕度狹窄 -laoyueyue- 給 laoyueyue 發送悄悄話 laoyueyue 的博客首頁 (57 bytes) () 10/17/2013 postreply 21:02:05

回複:回複:有左側頸椎神經孔輕度狹窄 -neiku- 給 neiku 發送悄悄話 (118 bytes) () 10/18/2013 postreply 08:08:26
