背景:剖腹產,剛剛給寶寶斷了母乳大約3周(從剖腹產到現在已9個月, 月經一直沒來)。大約從兩個月前開始偶爾感覺右側小腹痛(很朝下的位置)。停了母乳後,疼痛頻繁。去做了盆腔B超,醫生打電話隻說一切正常,可我拿到報告後有幾個疑問,想請教這裏的醫生朋友。
Transabdominal Exam:
Uterus measures 10.7*4.7*7.5 cm. Endometrial cavity is empty. A double endometrial stripe thickness measures 2 cm.
The right ovary measures 1.9*1.3*1.9cm. The left ovary measures 2.5*1.5*2.1cm.
Transvaginal exam:
The uterus is anteverted. The uterus measures 10.7*4.7*7.5cm. Double endometrial stripe thickness measures 1.5 cm. Uterine cavity is empty. The myometrium is homogeneous in echotexture.
The right ovary measures 2.7*1.7*1.9 cm with normal follicular cyst normal color flow. The left ovary measures 3.3*1.8*2.5cm with two small follicular cysts the largest measuring 2 cm in greatest diameter. Normal color flow is identified.
Negative sonogram of the female pelvis.
- 我的子宮比正常size大,醫生說因為我要來月經,來月經前子宮是要變大嗎?
- “A double endometrial stripe thickness measures 2 cm”,請問這是 什麽意思, 這是正常的嗎?
- “The uterus is anteverted” 和 “The myometrium is homogeneous in echotexture.” 請問這些是正常的嗎?
- “two small follicular cysts the largest measuring 2 cm”,請問這種cysts如果不管它,它將來會不會長得更大或者惡變?