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Simple Kidney's Cleanser - Health Care

It is vegetables, should try it at home.

Years passes by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. With time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo cleaning treatments.

How are we going to do this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley and wash it clean . Then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten minutes and let it cool down and then filte r it and pour in
a clean bottle and keep it inside refrigerator to cool.

Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated
poison coming out of your kidney by urination. Also you will be able to
notice the difference which you never felt before.

Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

清洗腎髒的簡單方法隻用蔬菜,可以在家裏嚐試。用不到 $ 1.00美金 就可清洗你的腎髒






你如何“發現你腎髒裏所有積累的鹽和其他毒素都經由尿液排出體外”? -TBz- 給 TBz 發送悄悄話 TBz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/20/2013 postreply 22:08:22

一點建議:您需要建立一個腎髒“贓”和腎髒幹淨的衡量指標,然後讓這個指標來說話。。。 -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/20/2013 postreply 22:58:22

有人說這個偏方連腎結石都能排出 -dudaan- 給 dudaan 發送悄悄話 dudaan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/21/2013 postreply 04:30:05

歐芹有較強的利尿作用,西方民間用於輔助治療腎炎,就像中國民間用玉米須那樣。 -lily7- 給 lily7 發送悄悄話 lily7 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/21/2013 postreply 12:19:34

是的,腎主骨,腎虛則骨弱齒鬆。 -lily7- 給 lily7 發送悄悄話 lily7 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/21/2013 postreply 13:04:48

一分錢不要就可清洗你的腎髒:中醫說腰為腎之府,每天衝洗腰部就行。信側靈。 -霧裏看花123- 給 霧裏看花123 發送悄悄話 霧裏看花123 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/21/2013 postreply 13:00:24

請教 -華山97- 給 華山97 發送悄悄話 華山97 的博客首頁 (60 bytes) () 09/21/2013 postreply 14:10:18

荷蘭芹 -rchrdhu- 給 rchrdhu 發送悄悄話 (21 bytes) () 09/23/2013 postreply 15:44:06

NUTS! -bigY- 給 bigY 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2013 postreply 17:54:21

要喝多久?如何知道毒素和鹽隨尿液排出呢? -天蠍精- 給 天蠍精 發送悄悄話 天蠍精 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 09/23/2013 postreply 20:44:18

Parsley發汗是有份的,利尿不見得。這玩意兒也會有人信。跟打雞血差不多。這年頭,瞎掰大有市場喲 -prettymama- 給 prettymama 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/24/2013 postreply 04:24:36

買現成的茶成麽 ? -ycon- 給 ycon 發送悄悄話 ycon 的博客首頁 (141 bytes) () 09/25/2013 postreply 15:18:26
