
來源: 禦用文人 2013-09-18 08:32:55 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (103256 bytes)

What Is Prediabetes or Borderline Diabetes?


People with prediabetes have glucose levels that are higher than normal but not high enough yet to indicate diabetes. The condition used to be called borderline diabetes. Most people with prediabetes don't have symptoms, but they are considered to be at high risk of developing heart disease.

Normally, your body produces a hormone called insulin to help your cells use the energy (glucose) found in food. With diabetes, either your body doesn't make enough insulin or doesn't efficiently use the insulin it does produce. When glucose builds up in the blood, it can damage the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, heart, eyes, and nervous system.

With prediabetes, the subtle balance between glucose and insulin has been thrown off. The pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin after a meal to "clear" the incoming glucose from the blood. Or cells may be insulin resistant. When cells are insulin resistant, they won't allow the insulin to escort glucose from the bloodstream into them. Too much glucose in the blood is also called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. A low blood sugar level is called hypoglycemia.

If you have prediabetes, you're at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes as well as the serious medical problems associated with diabetes, including heart disease and stroke. With prediabetes, you are at a 50% higher risk of heart disease and stroke than someone who does not have prediabetes.

How is prediabetes diagnosed?

Two blood tests are commonly used to determine if you have diabetes or prediabetes. One is the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG). The other is oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). These tests measure how quickly your body can "clear" glucose from your blood. The American Diabetes Association supports either test to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes.

How is the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) done?

The fasting plasma glucose test can be done after an overnight fast or after an eight-hour fast during the day. It is a relatively easy, inexpensive test. After the fast, a simple blood test measures glucose levels before you eat again. The test results indicate whether your blood glucose level is normal or whether you have prediabetes or diabetes:

Normal: Normal blood sugar levels measure less than 100 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter) after the fasting glucose test. 

Prediabetes: Blood glucose levels of 100-125 mg/dl after an overnight or eight-hour fast is diagnosed as prediabetes. People with these results are considered to have impaired fasting glucose (IFG). 

Diabetes: Diabetes is diagnosed when the blood glucose is 126 mg/dl or above. 

How is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) done?

The OGTT usually requires that you have the fasting glucose test first. Then you take a dose of high-sugar (glucose) solution to challenge your body to clear the glucose from your blood. After two hours, another blood glucose test is done. The final test results indicate whether you have a normal level of blood glucose or have prediabetes or diabetes:

Normal: Normal blood sugar levels measure less than 140 mg/dl after the oral glucose tolerance test. 

Prediabetes: Blood glucose levels of 140-199 mg/dl after the OGTT is diagnosed as prediabetes. People with these results are considered to have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). 

Diabetes: Diabetes is diagnosed with blood glucose of 200 mg/dl or above. 

How common is prediabetes?

The CDC estimates that as many as 57 million Americans aged 20 or older have prediabetes. That's based on national statistics of people who have been diagnosed with impaired fasting glucose.

Prediabetes should not be ignored. It signals the likely onset of a more serious condition, and it can begin the process of doing damage to your heart and possibly other organs such as the kidneys, eyes, and nervous system.

Are there lifestyle changes recommended for prediabetes?

Lifestyle changes can help many people with prediabetes to delay -- or even prevent -- the onset of full-blown diabetes. Changes that can help prevent diabetes include losing weight to bring total weight to a near-normal range, exercising daily, and eating balanced meals.

In a large research study called the Diabetes Prevention Program, the following lifestyle changes reduced the development of diabetes over three years by 58%. For people aged 60 or older, the reduction was an even greater 71%.

Weight control. Obese and overweight people are at high risk of having prediabetes turn into diabetes. Losing excess weight to bring weight within normal ranges for your height can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Even losing 5% to 10% of excess body weight can help. 

Exercise. Studies have shown that moderate exercise for 30 minutes a day, such as cycling, swimming, or brisk walking, helps prevent -- and manage -- diabetes. Aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart rate up to your target heart rate, is ideal for losing weight and preventing prediabetes from turning into type 2 diabetes. 

Nutrition. Healthy meals that mix a balance of low-fat protein, vegetables, and whole grains can help prevent prediabetes from becoming real diabetes. Calorie control, portion sizes (no super-sizing), and low-sugar, low-carbohydrate choices are key. Eating adequate fiber every day also helps. 

Blood pressurecontrol. Because hypertension is associated with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood pressure within or close to normal ranges can help delay -- and control -- diabetes. 

Your doctor may also advise lowering any other heart disease risks you may have, such as smoking and high cholesterol levels.

You can control your prediabetes by creating a healthier lifestyle. If prediabetes does become type 2 diabetes, these lifestyle changes -- weight control, exercise, nutrition, and blood pressure control -- build the platform for managing diabetes for life. A healthy lifestyle can also help you prevent or delay the need to begin using medications such as insulin to control blood sugar levels.





2009-10-07 13:17 消息 引用 分享








2009-10-09 20:35 消息 引用 分享


What Is Prediabetes or Borderline Diabetes?



People with prediabetes have glucose levels that are higher than normal but not high enough yet to indicate diabetes. The condition used to be called borderline diabetes. Most people with prediabetes don't have symptoms, but they are considered to be at high risk of developing heart disease.


Normally, your body produces a hormone called insulin to help your cells use the energy (glucose) found in food. With diabetes, either your body doesn't make enough insulin or doesn't efficiently use the insulin it does produce. When glucose builds up in the blood, it can damage the tiny blood vessels in the kidneys, heart, eyes, and nervous system.


With prediabetes, the subtle balance between glucose and insulin has been thrown off. The pancreas may not be able to produce enough insulin after a meal to "clear" the incoming glucose from the blood. Or cells may be insulin resistant. When cells are insulin resistant, they won't allow the insulin to escort glucose from the bloodstream into them. Too much glucose in the blood is also called high blood sugar or hyperglycemia. A low blood sugar level is called hypoglycemia.


If you have prediabetes, you're at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes as well as the serious medical problems associated with diabetes, including heart disease and stroke. With prediabetes, you are at a 50% higher risk of heart disease and stroke than someone who does not have prediabetes.


How is prediabetes diagnosed?

Two blood tests are commonly used to determine if you have diabetes or prediabetes. One is the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG). The other is oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). These tests measure how quickly your body can "clear" glucose from your blood. The American Diabetes Association supports either test to diagnose prediabetes and diabetes.



How is the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) done?

The fasting plasma glucose test can be done after an overnight fast or after an eight-hour fast during the day. It is a relatively easy, inexpensive test. After the fast, a simple blood test measures glucose levels before you eat again. The test results indicate whether your blood glucose level is normal or whether you have prediabetes or diabetes:



Normal: Normal blood sugar levels measure less than 100 mg/dl (milligrams per deciliter) after the fasting glucose test. 

Prediabetes: Blood glucose levels of 100-125 mg/dl after an overnight or eight-hour fast is diagnosed as prediabetes. People with these results are considered to have impaired fasting glucose (IFG). 

Diabetes: Diabetes is diagnosed when the blood glucose is 126 mg/dl or above. 

正常:正常血糖濃度指空腹血糖測試結果不超過100 mg/dl(毫克每分升)。

前驅糖尿病:在一夜或8小時禁食後血糖濃度在100-125 mg/dl之間,即可診斷為前驅糖尿病。出現這類情況的人被認為存在著空腹血糖受損(IFG)。

糖尿病:當血糖濃度達到或高於126 mg/dl時即可診斷為糖尿病。

How is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) done?

The OGTT usually requires that you have the fasting glucose test first. Then you take a dose of high-sugar (glucose) solution to challenge your body to clear the glucose from your blood. After two hours, another blood glucose test is done. The final test results indicate whether you have a normal level of blood glucose or have prediabetes or diabetes:



Normal: Normal blood sugar levels measure less than 140 mg/dl after the oral glucose tolerance test. 

Prediabetes: Blood glucose levels of 140-199 mg/dl after the OGTT is diagnosed as prediabetes. People with these results are considered to have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). 

Diabetes: Diabetes is diagnosed with blood glucose of 200 mg/dl or above. 

正常:在進行口服糖耐量測試時,正常血糖濃度應該低於140 mg/dl。

前驅糖尿病:在OGTT檢測中,血糖濃度在140-199 mg/dl之間即可診斷為前驅糖尿病。出現這類情況的人被認為存在著糖耐量受損(IGT)。

糖尿病:當血糖濃度達到或高於200 mg/dl時即可診斷為糖尿病。 

How common is prediabetes?

The CDC estimates that as many as 57 million Americans aged 20 or older have prediabetes. That's based on national statistics of people who have been diagnosed with impaired fasting glucose.



Prediabetes should not be ignored. It signals the likely onset of a more serious condition, and it can begin the process of doing damage to your heart and possibly other organs such as the kidneys, eyes, and nervous system.


Are there lifestyle changes recommended for prediabetes?

Lifestyle changes can help many people with prediabetes to delay -- or even prevent -- the onset of full-blown diabetes. Changes that can help prevent diabetes include losing weight to bring total weight to a near-normal range, exercising daily, and eating balanced meals.



In a large research study called the Diabetes Prevention Program, the following lifestyle changes reduced the development of diabetes over three years by 58%. For people aged 60 or older, the reduction was an even greater 71%.


Weight control. Obese and overweight people are at high risk of having prediabetes turn into diabetes. Losing excess weight to bring weight within normal ranges for your height can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Even losing 5% to 10% of excess body weight can help. 


Exercise. Studies have shown that moderate exercise for 30 minutes a day, such as cycling, swimming, or brisk walking, helps prevent -- and manage -- diabetes. Aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart rate up to your target heart rate, is ideal for losing weight and preventing prediabetes from turning into type 2 diabetes. 


Nutrition. Healthy meals that mix a balance of low-fat protein, vegetables, and whole grains can help prevent prediabetes from becoming real diabetes. Calorie control, portion sizes (no super-sizing), and low-sugar, low-carbohydrate choices are key. Eating adequate fiber every day also helps. 


Blood pressurecontrol. Because hypertension is associated with type 2 diabetes, keeping blood pressure within or close to normal ranges can help delay -- and control -- diabetes. 


Your doctor may also advise lowering any other heart disease risks you may have, such as smoking and high cholesterol levels.


You can control your prediabetes by creating a healthier lifestyle. If prediabetes does become type 2 diabetes, these lifestyle changes -- weight control, exercise, nutrition, and blood pressure control -- build the platform for managing diabetes for life. A healthy lifestyle can also help you prevent or delay the need to begin using medications such as insulin to control blood sugar levels. 







2009-10-09 20:37 消息 引用 分享











正常:正常血糖濃度指空腹血糖測試結果不超過100 mg/dl(毫克每分升)。

前驅糖尿病:在一夜或8小時禁食後血糖濃度在100-125 mg/dl之間,即可診斷為前驅糖尿病。出現這類情況的人被認為存在著空腹血糖受損(IFG)。

糖尿病:當血糖濃度達到或高於126 mg/dl時即可診斷為糖尿病。



正常:在進行口服糖耐量測試時,正常血糖濃度應該低於140 mg/dl。

前驅糖尿病:在OGTT檢測中,血糖濃度在140-199 mg/dl之間即可診斷為前驅糖尿病。出現這類情況的人被認為存在著糖耐量受損(IGT)。

糖尿病:當血糖濃度達到或高於200 mg/dl時即可診斷為糖尿病。 
















Thanks.我搜索了更多有關FTG和糖化血紅蛋白 -Lilac2003- 給 Lilac2003 發送悄悄話 (415 bytes) () 09/18/2013 postreply 08:38:59

很多醫生用空腹血糖及糖耐量試驗的結果來診斷糖尿病,A1C 用來核查治療效果。 -betadine - 給 betadine  發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2013 postreply 09:25:30

Thanks. -Lilac2003- 給 Lilac2003 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 09/18/2013 postreply 10:09:55



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