
來源: 閩姑 2013-07-07 07:16:32 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (9944 bytes)
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Photographs that reveal an alien planet? No - the breathtaking animated simulations of the world within the HUMAN BODY

注: 這些圖片美得眩目.裏麵的兩個視頻也值得一看.讓你對病毒和細胞的概念有更直觀的了解和留下

中文譯文丁香園:英國《每日郵報》6月4日刊登了一組酷似科幻大片中外星景觀的 ...




This is an image of kinesin, a motor protein that is capable of moving across a cell.

An underwater world?: This is an image of kinesin (yellow, centre), a motor protein that is capable of moving across a cell. Kinesins are able to 'walk' along microtubules, filament-like protein structures within cells that are involved in a variety of cellular processes, ranging from cell division to transportation of certain chemicals within cells

A magnified image of a virus blebbing inside human body. In cell biology, a bleb is an irregular bulge in the plasma membrane of a cell.

Resembling an alien biodome: A magnified image of a virus 'blebbing' inside human body. In cell biology, a 'bleb' is an irregular bulge in the plasma membrane of a cell. This often occurs when a cell dies but blebbing also has important functions in other cellular processes, including cell movement and cell division

Image of a marrow cavity where Hematopoietic stem cells are found inside human body.

Image of a marrow cavity where Hematopoietic stem cells are found inside human body. These cells are called 'multipotent stem cells', and are responsible for the production of all blood cells. Through a process known as 'hematopoiesis' these cells mature into white blood cells (which protect us from infection), red blood cells (which carry oxygen to the cells in our bodies), and platelets (which help curb bleeding after injury)

Bateriophage a type of virus that infects and replicates within bacteria

A creature from Mars?: This image is of a microscopic bateriophage, a type of virus that infects and replicates within bacteria

A computer generated image of Sterocilia, the sensing organelles of hair cells found in the inner ear

Extra-terrestrial canyons: A computer generated image of Sterocilia, the sensing organelles of hair cells found in the inner ear. They respond to motion for various functions, including hearing and balance inside human body. The hair cells turn the fluid pressure and other stimuli into electrical signals that travel to the brain where they are interpreted as sound

This image shows the microscopic process of how how ATP - a form of energy - is produced within mitochondria inside cells

This image shows the microscopic process of how how ATP - a form of energy - is produced within mitochondria inside cells

Here intestinal microvilli from the small intenstine are pictured. Microvilli are responsible for absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream, for transport to the liver and other cells.

Here intestinal microvilli from the small intenstine are pictured. Microvilli are responsible for absorbing nutrients into the bloodstream, for transport to the liver and other cells. In order to increase the amount of nutrients taken into the bloodstream, each villus itself has dozens of microvilli, to increase greatly the surface area

Image of Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-beta), a polypeptide found in the human body and milk.

Image of Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-beta), a polypeptide found in the human body and milk.

Golgi apparatus are minute organelles found in most complex cells. Golgi apparatus package proteins inside the cell before they are sent to their destination to perform a function

Golgi apparatus are minute organelles found inside most complex cells. They help package proteins inside the cell before they are sent to a part of the body to perform a whatever their job is

Pericytes are pictured on a capillary (a small blood vessel).

Pericytes (green) are pictured on a capillary (a small blood vessel). Pericytes regulate capillary blood flow as well as the clear vessel of cellular debris. In the brain they help sustain the blood-brain barrier




這是根據人類現有的知識所作的模擬視頻 -huangshang- 給 huangshang 發送悄悄話 huangshang 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/07/2013 postreply 08:11:09

-閩姑- 給 閩姑 發送悄悄話 閩姑 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 07/07/2013 postreply 10:21:17



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