
來源: dudaan 2013-05-20 05:27:12 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3262 bytes)

Think a pill that packs two cholesterol-lowering drugs in one potent package is a good idea? The Food and Drug Administration thinks so. It recently approved the combination of the popular statin drug Lipitor (atorvastatin) with another medication called Zetia (ezetimbe). But our medical advisers say the new product, Liptruzet, is too risky and too expensive.

A single Liptruzet pill runs $5.50, more than what a month's supply of some generic statins cost. But the combo pill hasn't been shown to be any better at preventing premature death or heart disease than a statin alone. And since it contains two drugs, it increases the risk of side effects.

Statin side effects include diabetes, memory problems, muscle soreness, and a rare condition that can cause kidney damage, kidney failure, and death. Adding ezetimibe to a statin tacks on the additional side effects of diarrhea, fatigue, joint pains, and severe muscle problems.

Marvin Lipman, M.D., Consumer Reports' chief medical adviser, says that the biggest beneficiary of the new drug the drug company that makes the medication. "Combining two drugs, one of which is available as a generic and the other a soon-to-be generic, to produce a new patentable product is a pharmaceutical company ploy that should have been transparent to the FDA," says Lipman. "This is especially so in view of the lack of evidence of long-term benefits in the new combination.

Our advice:
If you need medication to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol, first try a statin alone. Our Best Buy picks include several generic statins--atorvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, and simvastatin--depending on how much you need to reduce your cholesterol and whether you have heart problems or diabetes.

Take the lowest dose that reduces your LDL cholesterol to an acceptable "target" level, because higher doses pose a greater risk of serious side effects, such as muscle, kidney, and liver problems. If you experience muscle aches and pains when taking a statin, contact your doctor immediately.

For more on statins, check out our free Best Buy Drugs report. Also, read about ways you can reduce your cholesterol without medication.

Drug to Cut Cholesterol Is Approved by the F.D.A. [New York Times article]


所有的 Statins 降脂藥物的副作用,在說明書上寫得都一樣,而實際使用上卻大不一樣 -禦用文人- 給 禦用文人 發送悄悄話 (73 bytes) () 05/20/2013 postreply 09:50:21

副作用就是一病換一病,或者多病換一病。原有的病以另一種方式出現,表明上看原來的病消失了,沒有了 -醫者意也- 給 醫者意也 發送悄悄話 醫者意也 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/20/2013 postreply 11:01:07

見過病人手持1個7彩藥盒,每天按時吃,赤橙黃綠青藍紫,ABCDEFG。A病用B藥,B病用C藥,C病用D藥,D病用E藥,E病 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (81 bytes) () 05/21/2013 postreply 12:18:20

吃到一定時候就開始肝衰腎衰了,必然的 -ooopsss- 給 ooopsss 發送悄悄話 ooopsss 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2013 postreply 12:32:01

已經開始衰了,肝指數多項異常。 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2013 postreply 12:49:42

據說是因為有保險報銷免費吃的,不吃白不吃,拿自個兒當毒物試驗小白鼠咧,嗬嗬 -ooopsss- 給 ooopsss 發送悄悄話 ooopsss 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 05/21/2013 postreply 12:56:03

嗯。包裝精美,還是處方藥,高科技產品,FDA驗證通過,專家學者權威大牌醫師實驗證明,最好最有效最科學。。。哈哈。 -大江川- 給 大江川 發送悄悄話 大江川 的博客首頁 (44 bytes) () 05/21/2013 postreply 13:55:12



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