your heart-health checklist (from web)

LDL comes in 4 forms, a big, fluffy form known as large LDL, and three increasingly dense formss known as medium, small and very small LDL. the smaller dense particles are much more inflammatory than the larger particles.

1, give your doctor a checkup
   if your doctor still hung up on total cholesterol, you need a new one.
   because only a portion of your LDL cholesterol is dangerous, Standard blood tests do not measure the small, and very small LDL.  Statin pills target all LDL, including your larger, fluffy LDL. SO only heathy eating and exercises decrease its numbers.

2, Know the real risk factors
   your triglycerides, HDL/LDL ratio, and small LDL should be your focus.
    High triglycerides, low HDL, high smaller, dense LDL are the main risk factors causing heart disease. Small and very small LDL comes from low fat diet in high carborhydrate processed food, whereas big, fluffy LDL comes from meat and diary product.
It is said that Pattern A (normal triglycerides, high HDL, high LDL) has higher big, fluffy LDL ratio and less likely related to hypertention and heart disease . Pattern B (high triglycerides, low HDL, high LDL) has more small LDL, and increased risk of heart disease.

3, Are drugs the answer?
    Improvement and diet and exercises habits are less expensive and can be as effective as medicine at reducing your heart disease risk.
    Statins drop the total LDL, including big, fluffy LDL.

4, Don't be afraid to eat fat
  Top scientists realize theat simply cutting fat out of diet is no solution. A diet high in saturated fat from dairy prodcts would indeed make your LDL levels rise, but more in an increase of larger LDL rather than smaller LDL particles, according to Dr. Krauss, director of the athrosclerosis research at children's hospital Oakland research institute.

The best way to reduce your small LDL is to eat less carbohydreates, lose weight, engage in more physical activity.

5, Give niacin a try
  This potent B vitamin can make sure your LDL is off the big, fluffy, harmless variety.
   Niacin causes live to produce larger, fluffy LDL.

6, Change your spare tire
  Deflate your gut and you will ditch the smaller LDL particles as well.
  The majority overweight people are pattern B. losing weight can shift the changes too.


我自己是啥都正常,我老公是屬於Pattern A.他沒吃藥。 -tiger00- 給 tiger00 發送悄悄話 tiger00 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/25/2013 postreply 19:13:53
