
來源: panlm_ 2013-03-19 12:20:29 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1325 bytes)
回答: 漏洞百出dudaan2013-03-18 14:50:41

1 豆腐發明年代錯誤; Tofu was invented in South Song, which was documented in literature. Why is this an error? Where do you have the right record?

2 中國人外國人都是28顆牙加上四顆智齒; Chinese adults mostly have 28 teeth, four to 6 less than those in the nations who do not consume tofu.  

3 日本也用石膏做豆腐,常常是石膏+鹽鹵. Japanese used to making tofu with gypsum, but since 70's they stop this techneque they learned from China. Instead, Japanese have used other gradients to make tofu.

4 豆腐中的鈣不能被人體吸收缺乏科學文獻支持和試驗證明. Tell me where is edivence that gypsium in tofu can be absorbed by human systems. The fact is that consumption of gypsum-bearing tofu causes loose of calcium from human systems thus results in the lack of calcium.

你的英文錯誤也有很多錯,還是寫中文吧; My English is adequate for communication and typing English is much fast than Chinese.



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