New cancer patient myself, in and out cancer centers for chemotherapy since Nov. Got first hand observation on breast cancer patients. I used to think the traditional risk factors play an important role in developing cancer, i.e. smoking, drinking, over weight, no breast feeding, late child birth, american cuisine... What I saw totally blew my head away.
這裏的很大一部分病人都是中年、辦公室、用腦的人。一般比較注意健康,對自身要求高,伴侶不理想。乳腺癌基因發病的隻占5%,絕大部分沒有家族史。唯一的一個大胖子還是病人家屬,陪伴相對苗條的同伴。在這個乳腺癌圈子裏,一個45歲的乳腺癌,印度移民since 2002,終身吃素、鍛煉、 虔誠教徒、fit,good education、1 child (gave birth at 29), 2 yr breast feeding。當我看到她的丈夫時,感到那可能是她生命中唯一的遺憾,雖然她從未抱怨過。當她虛弱的躺在chemo chair上時,老公看她的眼神一點沒有關切,遞過來的食物都是餐廳買的junk food,沒有準備。2個人是配偶,但是心與心的距離差很遠。聯想起她說道發病2-3年前到現在,她一直心情不好,要求回印度,老公沒商量就是不同意。女孩子一定要嫁一個真心愛自己的人。
另一個44歲的乳腺癌,非常fit,good education,3 daughters (gave birth in late 20s), stay home mom, 孩子教育非常出色,身邊虎媽。She's so fit, 象個每天住在Gym的人。印度裔嫁白人同學。Lots of experience on marital strife. Must have got the experience the hard way
這個虎媽,She came to Canada at age 5。從小吃了太多苦(窮養、emotional abuse),要改變艱苦生活就把自己變成完美主義者。Graduated from life science然後投身到基督教範疇作life coach,幫助和她有類似經曆的人
她的3個女兒及其有愛心,是同類中的佼佼者。1個正在學獸醫,1個準備life science,小的立誌paediatrician. My 1st time to cancer center, her 16 year old explained to me which program might help. She worked at a different hospital and was only there to accompany her mom at the time. Not her duty to help but enjoy helping others. 因為她長期在類似醫院做義工. She was home schooled for 1 year because she stood up for a bully victim (drug related) 得罪了吸毒的人群。教育的很勇敢、正直的說
這個虎媽本身是church leader, world vision volunteer and figure skating coach (volunteer訓練女兒如何當coach)。即使現在化療期間也沒放棄這些工作,敬佩!
Her way of training kids is with love。比如鼓勵寫作,她每年給孩子出一個文集, Microsoft publisher, 選出她們最好的文章,封麵放照片、背後介紹author,寄給全世界親朋好友。激發創作熱情。聰明人有聰明的辦法。
她唯一的不如意是老公不是soul mate。畢竟是2種文化背景的人,不能夠完全融合。女怕嫁錯郎!
亞洲女移民中,2條都占的比其他族裔比例高很多。所以亞洲女性到北美後文化的不適應、沒有互相提攜的朋友圈,更要拚進全力,乳腺癌比例大步提升。即使我們remain vegetable based diet,保持合理 BMI 和各種risk factor 一點不沾邊。Breast cancer patients中,我們3個亞裔移民最年輕,也最不象病人,本地人都是menopause以後的,老年為主。
為什麽北美總結的cancer risk factor不適合亞洲女性?因為白人是majority,參與調查人數多。而高收入、高學曆的亞裔女性不久前才大規模進入北美。現在剛剛進入發病年齡圈子40+
所以實驗室總結出來的breast cancer risk factor, 飲食、鍛煉、環境,對亞裔似乎不適用。而當地人多數都為自己活,她們鮮有chronic stress factor。所以公布的數據符合當地人的特點:stress和乳腺癌不沾邊。可怕的是chronic stress在亞洲人反而當成前進的動力,不加製止
有人說女子無才便是德?前提是老公(原生家庭的老爸)必須是個真男人,stand in the door way and protect the family and children。男人立不起來拿女人填空。女人白白犧牲了健康還被指責。傻!所以呼籲那些拿健康換錢的女子,學會愛護自己,find true happiness!
我的觀察範圍是3 cancer support groups, 2 churches, 2 cancer centers and the ladies met at appointments。這些是我的觀察。不過我相信如果有人調查亞裔女性到了北美,飲食習慣remains vegetable based, with moderate exercise的情況下,為什麽乳腺癌比例攀升和當地人一樣,chronic stress 肯定是#1 factor
Like everyone else, I was a ball juggler, the career ball, the family ball and "me" ball. I concentrated on the career ball during day time, when home focused on the family ball. The "me" ball kept in the corner collecting dust. I thought I was doing well until the diagnose. That was really a wake up call.
我正在讀一些基督教關於家庭、婚姻的書籍。才發現基督教原來有好多心理教程,跟神、鬼、Jesus Christ關係不大,反而和現實生活貼近。對理順家庭關係有指導意義。比如"what if you only have 1 year to live". 忽然醒悟到who I am and who I am meant to be。人的精力有限,必須prioritize。學習基督教對家庭的指導不一定去教堂,被生拉硬拽的感覺很不好。推薦幾個作者和書。可以買書,也有audio books, 散步時聽。我準備教育自己女兒"what you need to know before I do"
1. Joel Osteen
2. Joyce Meyer
3. Book "dying to be me"
4. Book "Balance in Life", author Marla Shapiro
5. Book "inside my heart", author Robin McGraw
6. Book "Boundaries in Marriage", author Henry Cloud, John Townsend
7. Nutrition Book "Perricone's Promise", author Nicolas Perricone