
看看下麵內容,沒說吃紅肉會腦子壞掉,而是吃很多。  但報告的標題是Red Meat, Dementia: The Surprising Link, 故意讓讀者認為紅肉導致腦子壞掉。

所謂腦子壞掉的幾率也就是增長百分之十幾。 比如穿皮鞋比穿球鞋更容易摔倒致死的概率大概也會增長百分之十幾。 但這種數據沒有什麽意義。  

THURSDAY, Jan. 16, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Steak, hamburgers, beef ribs and hot dogs are bad for the aging brain.

Folks who eat lots of red and processed meat are more likely to develop dementia, researchers reported.

Eating more than one serving of red meat a day -- 3 ounces, about the size of a bar of soap -- is associated with a 16% increased risk of cognitive decline, researchers found.

And eating more than a daily quarter-serving of processed red meat -- bacon, sausage, hot dogs and the like -- increased dementia risk by 13% and risk of cognitive decline by 14%.

Results showed that for every additional serving of red meat, people aged about 1.6 years in cognitive ability and verbal memory.

However, replacing one serving of meat each day with nuts or legumes lowered risk of dementia by 19% and cognitive decline by 21%, researchers found.

Swapping meat for nuts or legumes also slowed brain aging by about 1.4 years, the study says.
