啊哈,終於明白咋回事了,要make money啊。 看這裏。。

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回答: 也看到這個,是推銷保健品嗎?pickshell2024-09-05 12:58:05

LZ在其它網上有人問會員的事,LZ回答是examine.com,又查到如下。。 拉人買保健品或加入會員。。
How does examine.com make money?
Examine is unique because we don't allow ads, sponsors, or any conflicts of interest. We generate 100% of our revenue from our Examine+ subscription service, and we will pay you 33% commission for anyone who signs up for Examine+ using your link. Since 2011, we've paid over $500,000 to referrers.


