
WebMD https://www.webmd.com/diet/prunes-health-benefits 說好處不少:

Digestive health improvement

Prunes are a good source of both insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber helps to ease constipation and keep your bowel movements regular, while soluble fiber helps to moderate digestion and absorb nutrients from your food. Dried plums also contain sorbitol and chlorogenic acid, which can increase stool frequency.

Eating a serving or two of prunes can help you maintain digestive health by promoting regular bowel movements.

Bone health support

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of prunes may help prevent bone loss and help keep healthy bone density and formation, according to clinical studies. The higher amounts of vitamin K in prunes also help to improve bone health.

Antioxidant protection

Prunes are rich in antioxidants, especially two caffeoylquinic acids – neochlorogenic acid (3-caffeoylquinic acid) and chlorogenic acid (5-caffeoylquinic acid). These may help to lower your blood glucose and LDL cholesterol levels (“bad cholesterol”), while protecting your cells from the damage that can lead to diseases.

Overactive bladder support

Studies show a link between constipation and overactive bladder. A buildup of stool in your colon can put pressure on your bladder. Or, if you have OAB and hold in your pee, this can disrupt the anal sphincter, which controls the release of stool. With OAB, you might also put off going to the bathroom and hold in your bowel movements. At the same time, a common side effect of medication for overactive bladder is constipation. Eating prunes can help ease constipation linked to overactive bladder.

May help lower blood pressure


One study, which looked at prunes' effect on blood pressure, found that eating the fruit daily could significantly lower your blood pressure. 

Supports a healthy gut microbiome

A study of postmenopausal women suggests that eating prunes every day improves gut fecal microbiome. At the same time, a separate review shows fiber and other compounds in prunes may alter the gut microbiome in support of bone health.

While the potential health benefits of eating prunes are encouraging, there are also risks. Consult your doctor and consider the following before making dried plums a regular part of your diet:  

Increased risk of diarrhea

Eating too many prunes and other dried fruits, like raisins and figs, can lead to or worsen diarrhea due to their high fiber and sorbitol content. Both can have a laxative effect on the body.

Increased risk of gastrointestinal distress

In some people, ingesting polyalcohol sugars such as sorbitol can also lead to intestinal bloating, gas, mild nausea, moderate to severe stomach cramps, or vomiting. Prunes have 14.7 grams of sorbitol per 100 grams, with as little as 5 grams of sorbitol potentially causing bloating. Consuming 20 grams or more of sorbitol could result in severe cramping.

Increased exposure to acrylamide

Acrylamide is a chemical that can develop naturally in foods when they’re heated at a high temperature. It forms from the interaction of sugars and an amino acid called asparagine. The chemical acrylamide, when ingested, can increase cancer risk. You can reduce exposure to acrylamide by reading labels carefully or choosing prunes dried at lower temperatures.

Prune Allergy

Eating prunes could cause itching, burning, tingling, and sometimes swelling of your mouth, tongue, and throat. This happens when your immune system reacts to certain proteins in the fruit, especially if you're allergic to birch pollen.


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