omeprazol可以用於一歲以上的孩子和成人,pantoprazole隻能用於5歲以下的孩子和成人,omeprazole 價格稍貴
Both medications are intended for short-term use only (up to 8 weeks), but only omeprazole is available both over-the-counter (OTC) and by prescription — you can only get pantoprazole with a prescription. Either drug can be taken by adults and children, with some restrictions: omeprazole can be taken by kids one year and up, while pantoprazole is only prescribed for children five years of age and up (FDA, 2016). Both medications are reported to be safe and effective, although omeprazole carries a higher potential for drug interactions (Wedemeyer, 2014).
Another difference between the two drugs is cost. Omeprazole can range from around $9 to $60 for a 30-day supply, and pantoprazole is slightly cheaper, costing from $9 to $50. Both drugs are typically covered by Medicare and most health insurance plans, although costs vary depending on your insurance provider. Now that we know the basics let’s take a look at each of these drugs individually.