
來源: TBz 2023-06-13 15:53:37 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (4738 bytes)
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閑下來的我喜歡來一杯 French Press 的咖啡,簡單環保味道好。今天好奇,在網上查了一下正宗的French Press咖啡到底應該怎樣做,結果查到了這個網站:



  • Potential health concerns


Note: The oily substances in coffee beans, called diterpenes, contain cafestol and kahweol. Since French press filters allow more oils to pass through, higher amounts of cafestol and kaweol get into your coffee compared to other brewing methods that use paper filtration, which is why some people wonder if French press coffee is bad for your health. According to Stefani Sassos, MS, RDN, CDN, Registered Dietitian at the Good Housekeeping Institute, “The good news is that the research suggests that it takes five cups per day to show an increase in serum cholesterol and triglycerides.” Sassos’ advice? “Save French press coffee for special occasions and consume in moderation.”






喝。關鍵是“量”。有句話我認同。。。 -pickshell- 給 pickshell 發送悄悄話 (462 bytes) () 06/13/2023 postreply 16:18:38

我用decaffeinated的也有很多問題的。 -goingplace- 給 goingplace 發送悄悄話 goingplace 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2023 postreply 16:32:05

五杯。你喝那麽多? -lucky_rain- 給 lucky_rain 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2023 postreply 17:09:02

French Roast不是指深度烘焙嗎?大都比較愛這種吧?任何咖啡,我想主要的問題應該是有無類似黃曲黴素那樣的東西? -夢想飛魚- 給 夢想飛魚 發送悄悄話 夢想飛魚 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2023 postreply 17:38:01

French Roast是咖啡豆烘焙的方法之一,而French Press 是做咖啡的方法之一。 -TBz- 給 TBz 發送悄悄話 TBz 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2023 postreply 22:02:12

明白了。我很懶,從來都是買現成的。 -夢想飛魚- 給 夢想飛魚 發送悄悄話 夢想飛魚 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/13/2023 postreply 22:32:43

喝、 -dudaan- 給 dudaan 發送悄悄話 dudaan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 06/14/2023 postreply 06:23:38



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