樓下有人貼了, 其中包括Paxlovid最新的有效性數據。
表麵上看,服用了Paxlovid能夠幫助住院率從0.37%降低到0.13%, 把死亡率從0.02% (近4萬人中死亡7個) 降低到零(2萬人中沒有死亡)。
如果隨機找4萬人(為了方便討論,接近於上麵的38690人),按年死亡率0.8% (美國2021年死亡率為 841.6/每十萬人),一年就要去世320人, 也就是平均每天要死去一個人。 如果觀察期為2個星期的話,死亡12人都屬於正常。 現在沒有服用Paxlovid的,死亡才7個,就意味著如今新冠死亡率並不超過正常的死亡率。
既然這樣,還需要什麽新冠神藥? 豈不是脫褲子放-P?
For example, there 27 hospitalizations (0.13%) and zero deaths among 20,407 peoplein that age who were treated with Paxlovid and who had been fully vaccinated and had had a booster. Among the 38,689 adults in the fully vaccinated, boosted group who were not treated with Paxlovid there were 143 hospitalizations (0.37%) and seven deaths (.02%). That works out to a hospitalization rate that is almost three times higher among those not treated with Paxlovid compared with those that were.