But that friend of mine who passed away was very very healthy before. He was a very close friend of mine. I even met him for dinner 2 months before he passed away. That was a little under a year after he got Covid. His voice even changed. He was an athletic guy who had a deep loud voice. He and I had been chatting on and off till a week before he was in deep coma. He told me he had hard time breathe sometimes and had to half sit when sleeping to deal with this problem. He also had a massive headache. He said he wasn't sure whether he would ever recover from Covid aftermath completely or he had to deal with these symptoms for the rest of his life. Unfortunately the rest of his life is only two weeks after he said it. He passed away on Christmas day. 49 year old.
Whenever I thought of him it made me think of another topic. He was a very wealthy man and he didn't have a detailed will before he passed away. Apparently he didn't expect he could die from this. There is still lawsuit
over his assets last I heard. Every time I saw his wife, his wife would tell me to prepare a will regardless of how young or old you are. You always need to be prepared.