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回答: 美國對付新冠的最新策略Flyer2022-04-05 09:04:25

首先它是EUA藥(緊急授權使用),Paxlovid 的臨床試驗是在Omicron之前進行的.輝瑞表示該藥物可對抗高度傳染性的變體.到目前為止,至少有三項基於實驗室的研究聲稱支持這一點——其中兩項研究是由輝瑞公司進行的,而第三項是輝瑞公司與西奈山伊坎醫學院合作完成的.這些研究尚未在同行評審的醫學期刊上發表.

8. Does Paxlovid work against Omicron?

Paxlovid’s clinical trials took place before Omicron became predominant, but Pfizer says the drug works against the highly contagious variant. So far at least three laboratory-based studies claim to back this up—two of those studies were conducted by Pfizer, while the third was done by Pfizer in partnership with the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. These studies have not yet been published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

12 Things To Know About Paxlovid, the Latest COVID-19 Pill  https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/12-things-to-know-paxlovid-covid-19

Important Safety Information

Before taking PAXLOVID, tell your healthcare provider if you:

Have any allergies 有任何過敏

•Have liver or kidney disease 患有肝髒或腎髒疾病

•Are pregnant or plan to become pregnant懷孕或計劃懷孕

•Are breastfeeding a child 正在母乳喂養孩子

•Have any serious illnesses有任何嚴重的疾

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Some medicines interact with PAXLOVID and cause serious side effects. Keep a list of your medicines to show your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of medicines that interact with PAXLOVID. Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider can tell you if it is safe to take PAXLOVID with other medicines.

告訴您的醫療保健提供者您服用的所有藥物,包括處方藥和非處方藥,維生素和草藥補充劑.一些藥物與 PAXLOVID相互作用並引起嚴重的副作用.保留一份藥物清單,以便在您獲得新藥時向您的醫療保健提供者和藥劑師展示.您可以向您的醫療保健提供者或藥劑師索取與PAXLOVID 相互作用的藥物清單.不要在不告訴您的醫療保健提供者的情況下開始服用新藥.您的醫療保健提供者可以告訴您將PAXLOVID與其他藥物一起服用是否安全.
Tell your healthcare provider if you are taking combined hormonal contraceptive. PAXLOVID may affect how your birth control pills work. Females who are able to become pregnant should use another effective alternative form of contraception or an additional barrier method of contraception. Talk to your healthcare provider if you have any questions about contraceptive methods that might be right for you.如果您正在服用複方激素避孕藥,請告訴您的醫療保健提供者. PAXLOVID 可能會影響您的避孕藥的作用.能夠懷孕的女性應使用另一種有效的替代避孕方式或額外的屏障避孕方法.如果您對可能適合您的避孕方法有任何疑問,請谘詢您的醫療保健提供者.

Do not take PAXLOVID if:

  • You are allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of the ingredients in PAXLOVID.
  • You are taking any of the following medicines:
    • Alfuzosin
    • Pethidine, propoxyphene
    • Ranolazine
    • Amiodarone, dronedarone, flecainide, propafenone, quinidine
    • Colchicine
    • Lurasidone, pimozide, clozapine
    • Dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, methylergonovine
    • Lovastatin, simvastatin
    • Sildenafil (Revatio®) for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)
    • Triazolam, oral midazolam 
    • Apalutamide
    • Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin
    • Rifampin
    • St. John's Wort (hypericum perforatum)
Possible side effects of PAXLOVID are: PAXLOVID可能的副作用是:
  • Allergic Reactions. Allergic reactions can happen in people taking PAXLOVID, even after only 1 dose. Stop taking PAXLOVID and call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction:過敏反應.服用 PAXLOVID 的人即使隻服用 1 劑也可能發生過敏反應.如果您出現以下任何過敏反應症狀.請停止服用 PAXLOVID 並立即致電您的醫療保健提供者:
  • Hives 蕁麻疹 
  • trouble swallowing or breathing吞咽或呼吸困難

  • swelling of the mouth, lips, or face嘴巴、嘴唇或麵部腫脹

  • throat tightness喉嚨緊繃

  • hoarseness聲音嘶啞

  •  skin rash皮疹

  • Liver Problems. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these signs and symptoms of liver problems: loss of appetite, yellowing of your skin and the whites of eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine, pale colored stools and itchy skin, stomach area (abdominal) pain. 肝髒問題.如果您有以下任何肝髒問題的跡象和症狀,請立即告訴您的醫療保健提供者:食欲不振、皮膚和眼白發黃(黃疸)、深色尿液、淺色大便和皮膚發癢、胃部(腹部)疼痛.
  • Resistance to HIV Medicines. If you have untreated HIV infection, PAXLOVID may lead to some HIV medicines not working as well in the future. 對 HIV 藥物的耐藥性.如果您有未經治療的 HIV 感染,PAXLOVID 可能會導致某些 HIV 藥物在未來無法正常工作
  • Other possible side effects include: 其他可能的副作用包括
    • altered sense of taste味覺改變
    • diarrhea腹瀉
    • high blood pressure高血壓
    • muscle aches肌肉酸痛

These are not all the possible side effects of PAXLOVID. Not many people have taken PAXLOVID. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen. PAXLOVID is still being studied, so it is possible that all of the risks are not known at this time.
這些並不是 PAXLOVID 的所有可能副作用.沒有多少人服用過 PAXLOVID.可能會發生嚴重和意想不到的副作用. PAXLOVID 仍在研究中,因此目前可能還不知道所有風險.(機器翻譯)







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