
來源: julie116 2022-02-26 18:23:10 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1728 bytes)
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1975: Biological Weapons Convention 出台。but it had no provision to monitor whether countries were complying with it. 

1976年 Swine flu strain closely relate to h1n1 in 1947 & 1957: infected 230 soldiers at Fort Dix, NJ with 1 death, led to a massive vaccination campaign with 45 mil Americans vaccinated. Close to 4K Americans filed vaccine injury during the following years, including Guillain -Barre syndrome. Some 20 year olds ended up as paraplegic. And 300 deaths were also attributed to the vaccine. That pendemic death remained as 1. 

2001, US pulled out of a UN ad hoc group tasked with drafting the protocol of the provision of monitoring of bio weapons. 

2005: h5n1. Bush declared 2 mil Americans will die from it. But it did not incur. But WHO started to coordinate a fast-track procedure for licensing and approval of pandemic vaccines to shorten the time between the emergence of pandemic and the vaccine.

2009:swine flu,major news warned it could kill 90k and hospitalize 2 mil. It did not materialize.CDC recommended 100% vaccination. The swine flu vaccine was casually linked to childhood narcolepsy that was skyrocketed in several countries. In 2019, researchers discovered a novel association between pandemic associated narcolepsy and the non-coding RNA gene GFNF-ASI, a gene thought to regulate the production of glial-cell-derived neurotrophic factor or GDNF, a protein that players an important role in neuronal survival. They also confined a strong association between vaccine induced  narcolepsy and a certain haplotype






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