Epidemiology of osteoporosis in Japan,Clin Calcium. 2012 Jun;22(6):797-803.
相關骨折的高患病率和悲劇性後果使骨質疏鬆症成為現代社會的主要負擔。根據基於人群的流行病學研究,日本骨質疏鬆症的估計人數為 1500 萬,其中隻有 20% 正在接受治療。骨質疏鬆症是一種高度治療不足的疾病。 2007 年日本髖部骨折的最新發病率為萬分之 5.1 和萬分之 18.1,患者人數約為 13 萬人,比 1987 年的初步調查高出 2.8 倍,但仍處於大大低於高加索人群的比率。這種發病率的增加可以用老年人口的增加來解釋。與髖部骨折相比,日本椎骨骨折患病率和發病率的數據含糊不清。據報道,椎骨骨折的患病率與白人人群相當,甚至更高,70 多歲的女性約為 30%,80 多歲的女性約為 40%。在指數骨折後的一年內,髖部骨折會使死亡風險增加約 10% 或 20%。 60%的髖部骨折患者功能水平較骨折前下降。即使在放射學確定的情況下,椎骨骨折也會增加死亡風險。我們目前在日本有 1300 萬骨質疏鬆症患者,其中每年有 13 萬人患有髖部骨折,其中 2 萬人死亡,6 萬人出現功能衰退。應以更有效的方式對骨質疏鬆症采取有效的預防和治療措施。預計新指南將比以往任何時候都發揮更大的作用,以促進預防骨質疏鬆症的措施並提高醫生對這種疾病的認識。
The high prevalence and tragic consequences of related fractures make osteoporosis a major burden on modern society. According to population-based epidemiologic studies, the estimated number of people with osteoporosis in Japan is 15 million, and only 20% of them are under treatment. Osteoporosis is a highly undertreated disease. The most recent incidence rates of hip fracture in Japan were 5.1 in 10,000 men and 18.1 in 10,000 women in 2007, and the number of patients are approximately 130 thousands which are 2.8-fold higher than those of the initial survey of 1987, but are still substantially less than rates in Caucasian populations. This increase in incidence rates can be explained by an increase in the elderly population. Data on the prevalence and incidence of vertebral fractures in Japan are vague compared with those of hip fracture. Prevalence rate of vertebral fracture was reported to be comparable to those in Caucasian populations, or even higher, and is approximately 30% in women aged 70s and 40% in those aged 80s. Hip fracture increases the mortality risk by approximately 10% or 20% during one year after the index fracture. Functional level of patients with hip fracture is deteriorated in 60% of them compared with pre-fracture level. Vertebral fracture also increases the risk of mortality even in radiographically determined ones. We currently have 13 million patients with osteoporosis in Japan among whom 130 thousands are suffered from hip fracture every year among whom 20 thousands die and 60 thousands experience functional decline. Effective preventive and therapeutic measures for osteoporosis should be conducted in more efficient ways. A greater role of the new guideline is expected than ever to promote preventive measures against osteoporosis and to increase physician's awareness to this disease.