Lava gushes from Mount Etna near Catania, Sicily, on Feb. 16.
As Tuesday’s volcanic activity was largely expected, areas surrounding the crater were secured and there were no reported injuries or deaths. But nearby residents said the eruption was unusual in that big chunks of volcanic stones carpeted the area, not just ash.
— Salvatore Allegra / AP
A girl wearing a protective mask and face shield against the spread of Covid-19, holds incense sticks while praying with her mother at the Surya Dharma temple during Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations in Pekanbaru, Indonesia, on Feb. 12.
— Antara Foto / Reuters
People push a car free after spinning out in the snow in Waco, Texas, on Feb. 15. The winter storm that brought snow, ice and plunging temperatures across the southern Plains caused a power emergency in Texas.
— Jerry Larson / Waco Tribune-Herald via AP
Brett Archibad, whose home was without electric power, entertains his family as they try to stay warm in the BlackHawk neighborhood in Pflugerville, Texas, on Feb. 16.
— Ricardo B. Brazziel / American-Statesman/USA Today Network via Reuters
A woman gets her hair dyed and cut on the frozen Babelitis lake while a man swims in an ice hole behind her in Riga, Latvia, on Feb. 15.
— Gints Ivuskans / AFP - Getty Images
New Orlean
A Munholland United Methodist Church clergy member spreads ashes on the forehead of a congregant during a drive-thru Ash Wednesday prayer in New Orleans on Feb. 17. Ashes were administered with a long Q-tip as a Covid-19 safety precaution measure.
— Jon Cherry / Getty Images
North Carolina
People sift through the rubble of homes at the Ocean Ridge Plantation in Brunswick County, N.C., on Feb. 17 after a tornado hit the area Monday night.
— Chris Seward / AP
"Alter Flecken's" 80 half-timbered houses in the old town of Freudenberg, western Germany on Feb. 13.
— Ina Fassbender / AFP - Getty Images
Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket with the Progress MS-16 cargo spacecraft blasts off to the International Space Station (ISS) from the launchpad at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, on Feb. 15.
— Russian Space Agency Roscosmos / Reuters
Jorge Sanhueza-Lyon stands on his kitchen counter to warm his feet over his gas stove in Austin, Texas on Feb. 16. Power was out for thousands of central Texas residents after temperatures dropped into the single digits when a snow storm hit the area on Sunday night.
— Ashley Landis / AP
Snow blankets Lycabettus hill in Athens on Feb 16.
Snow is common in Greece’s mountains and in the north of the country, but much rarer in the capital. Hundreds of toppled trees downed power cables, causing blackouts in several suburbs, while one area on the city’s northern fringes was declared in a state of emergency for the next month.
— Angelos Tzortzinis / AFP - Getty Images
Rio de Janeiro
Men dressed up in costumes for Carnival run along a street in Rio de Janeiro on Feb. 13.
Rio's city government officially suspended Carnival and warned it would have no tolerance for those who try to celebrate with open street parades or clandestine parties.
— Bruna Prado / AP
A butterfly lands on Naomi Osaka's face during the Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia, on Feb. 12.
— Daniel Pockett / Getty Images
New York City
Magnolia, a French bulldog, wears a Chanel pouch during New York Fashion Week on Feb. 16.
— Angela Weiss / AFP - Getty Images
Women have a snowball fight at the Dome of the Rock Mosque in the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem on Feb. 18.
— Mahmoud Illean / AP
Perseverance, a car-sized robotic explorer that will search for traces of ancient microbial life and collect what could be the first rocky samples from Mars that are sent back to Earth, moments before wheels touched down on the red planet on Feb. 18.
People wait in line to fill propane tanks in Houston on Feb. 17.
Customers waited over an hour in the freezing rain to fill their tanks. Millions in Texas still had no power after a historic snowfall and single-digit temperatures created a surge of demand for electricity to warm up homes unaccustomed to such extreme lows, buckling the state's power grid and causing widespread blackouts.
— David J. Phillip / AP
Hong Kong
Worshippers wearing face masks make offerings of incense sticks during the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year at Wong Tai Sin Temple, in Hong Kong, on Feb. 12.
— Tyrone Siu / Reuters
Camila Iachini, 8, performs with her bike during celebrations for the 400th anniversary of the founding of Caracas' Petare neighborhood in Venezuela on Feb. 17.
— Leonardo Fernandez Viloria / Reuters
An anti-government protester rides a bicycle in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Feb. 14. The protest against the government of President Jovenel Moise was mostly peaceful, with a few clashes breaking out between demonstrators and police, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets.
— Valerie Baeriswyl / AFP - Getty Images
A sheep walks inside a pen during the traditional "Martes de Challa" celebration to thank "Pachamama," Mother Earth, on the last day of Carnival in La Paz, Bolivia, on Feb. 16.
— Gaston Brito Miserocchi / Getty Images
February 20, 2021 - 歐空局公布一張哈勃望遠鏡拍攝的赫比格-哈羅天體「HH 46/47」照片。
「赫比格-哈羅天體」(Herbig-Haro objects)由新生恒星噴發出的氣體與塵埃摩擦而形成,
呈現狀似星雲的發光天體,持續時間一般僅有數千年。「HH 46/47」位於南天星座船帆座,
距離地球約1400光年。這個天體縱深寬度達10光年,1977年由美國天文學家 R. D. Schwartz 首次觀測發現。攝影師:Hubble
February 20, 2021 - NASA 公布一張「毅力號」火星探測器著陸過程照片,「天空起重機」(Sky Crane)推進器通過尼龍繩將火星車平穩下降至火星地表。「天空起重機」是類似於直升機的降落飛行器,四角有推進器實時調整方向,確保火星車6個輪子平穩接觸火星地麵。由於火星和地球之間存在11分鍾信號延遲,著陸過程完全由探測器自動操作完成。攝影師:NASA
February 20, 2021 - NASA 公布「毅力號」火星探測器著陸後的第一張彩色照片。
根據 NASA 計劃,「毅力號」著陸後將首先進行1至2個月儀器測試程序,預計第2周展開位於探測車頂部的桅杆裝置,通過桅杆位置的高清相機拍攝周圍環境照片。毅力號隨後需要測試機械臂操作性能,並在火星表麵進行第一次短程行駛。攝影師:NASA
Facebook 封殺澳洲新聞
February 20, 2021 - 澳大利亞報紙頭版刊登「Facebook 封禁澳洲新聞」報道,悉尼。2月18日,美國社交平台 Facebook 全麵封禁澳大利亞新聞媒體賬號,並禁止澳洲用戶在平台分享或瀏覽新聞。這項措施被認為是意圖報複澳政府計劃出台「新媒體法」,新法律強製要求 Facebook 和穀歌等數字平台為新聞內容付費。澳大利亞總理譴責 Facebook 此舉「傲慢且令人失望」,呼籲對方取消封禁並談判溝通。攝影師:Rick Rycroft
February 20, 2021 - 英國首相 Boris Johnson 主持七國集團(G7)線上峰會,倫敦。2月19日,七國集團領導人在持續2小時會議後發表聯合聲明,承諾加強全球聯合抗疫,並向世衛組織 COVAX 疫苗計劃追加投入40億美元資金。聲明指出,七國集團在過去1年中投入超過6萬億美元紓困基金,未來將根據《巴黎協定》進一步實現綠色產業和清潔能源轉型,並與中國等G20國家合作解決重要全球問題。七國集團領導人還特別承諾支持2020東京奧運會以安全有保障的方式舉辦。攝影師:Geoff Pugh
February 20, 2021 - 法國總統 Emmanuel Macron 以視頻連線方式出席七國集團(G7)峰會,巴黎。2月19日,七國集團領導人在持續2小時會議後發表聯合聲明,承諾加強全球聯合抗疫,並向世衛組織 COVAX 疫苗計劃追加投入40億美元資金。聲明指出,七國集團在過去1年中投入超過6萬億美元紓困基金,未來將根據《巴黎協定》進一步實現綠色產業和清潔能源轉型,並與中國等G20國家合作解決重要全球問題。七國集團領導人還特別承諾支持2020東京奧運會以安全有保障的方式舉辦。攝影師:Thibault Camus
February 20, 2021 - 緬甸抗議者和防暴警察在仰光市中心對峙。2月18日,英國和加拿大宣布製裁緬甸國防部長、內政部長等軍方領導人,美國國務卿對此表示支持並敦促其他國家采取相似製裁手段。當天美日印澳四方會談(QUAD)發布聯合聲明,表示堅決反對緬軍方鎮壓抗議民眾,要求緬甸軍方盡快恢複民選政府。緬甸醫療、教育、銀行、鐵路運輸係統均發生罷工活動,一名在抗議中遭槍擊的20歲女性抗議者在2月19日不治身亡。攝影師:iDaily Media
February 20, 2021 - 美國野生動物管理局宣布成功克隆一隻瀕危動物「黑足鼬」(Black-footed Ferret)。科學家們使用一隻1988年死去的野生黑足鼬冷凍細胞與人工圈養雪貂的受精卵培育出胚胎,然後將胚胎植入代孕雪貂的體內,最終於2020年12月10日成功誕下2隻黑足鼬,其中1隻存活。這是美國首次成功克隆瀕危物種,將有效改進黑足鼬的基因多樣性,幫助重建該物種的野外種群。攝影師:iDaily Media
February 20, 2021 - 一名腦癱兒童患者正在使用康複治療機器人練習行走,俄羅斯伏爾加格勒。這款名為 Walkbot-K 的機器人由韓國保生科技公司研發,通過對髖、膝和踝關節的機器驅動支撐,智能模擬人體自然行走的動作姿態,從而幫助腦癱和脊髓損傷症患者恢複功能性行走能力。攝影師:Dmitry Rogulin
February 20, 2021 - 當地民眾正在試圖營救一批擱淺領航鯨,印尼馬都拉島。2月18日,馬都拉島西部海岸發生領航鯨集體擱淺事件,至少53隻領航鯨死亡,僅有3隻被營救至深水區脫險。領航鯨是一種高度社會化的動物,通常以集體行動。救援過程中,部分成功脫困的領航鯨再次返回海灘尋找同伴,導致死亡比率大幅提升。海洋專家推測,本次事件起因為領航鯨試圖保護受傷同伴而誤入近海導致集體被困。當地政府計劃在2月20日海水退潮後埋葬死去的鯨魚。攝影師:Juni Kriswanto
February 20, 2021 - 泰國素林府大象村的村民們與僧侶在日出時分祈禱。這座大象村生活著逾200隻亞洲象,當地人馴化大象後讓它們參與搬運、耕地、播種等農活。亞洲象是體型最大的陸地動物,全球野生數量僅不到5萬隻,已被列為瀕危物種。泰國境內60%亞洲象為人工圈養,野生象僅約2000隻。攝影師:Thirawatana Phaisalratana