Lightinglamps to illumine our mind
ByGold Buddha Monastery
1月30日(除夕/星期四)Thursday,January 30 (Lunar New Year's eve)
晚上八點開始/8:00pm ~
Accordingto “Sutra of Merit and Virtue of Offering of Lamp”, it hasvarious kinds of statement about the merit and virtue of offeringlamp. If one offers lamp in front of Stupa or Buddha Hall, one willattain four kinds of Joyous Virtue, there are: Adorn outlook, alwaysfill with wealth and fortune, have great good roots, and have greatwisdom. One will also attain four kinds of purity, there are: purityin Body, purity in Mouth, purity in mind, and purity in decentcompanion.
Ourmind will be illuminated and our ignorance
willbe destroyed by the Wisdom Light
whenwe light up lanterns and make offering to the Buddha, thus allowingus to gain highest insights and enabling/speeding us to attainsupreme wisdom.
VenerableMaster Hua said:
Whenlighting lamp in front of Buddhas, one will attain bright eyes. Withbright eyes, one will be able to observe things that others cannotsee; and have better understanding than others, one will then attainheavenly eye penetration. One will attain the five eyes, there areBuddha eye, dharma eye, wisdom eye, flash eye as well as heavenlyeye, the merit and virtue is thus wonderful.
Foryears GBM organize Lighting Ceremony during Chinese New Year's eve,the ceremony starts at 8pm, we will recite “Shurangama Mantra”,followed by “Ten Small Mantras” and “The Heart of PrajnaParamita Sutra”, the ceremony will officially begin when we startchanting Namo Quelling Disasters Lengthening Life Medicine MasterBuddha. Lots of participants including non-Buddhist visited GoldBuddha Monastery as to wish for good a start in the coming year, thisis a meaningful assembly as non-Buddhist get a chance to know moreabout Buddhism. Due to overwhelming, everyone has to line-up and waitfor their turns for lighting lamp, the ceremony ends at about 9pmafter transference.
Quellcalamities and lengthen life,
Goodhealth and happy spirits
Increaseblessings and embrace good fortune
Gentletemperaments and world peace
bythe Venerable Master Hua
Onelamp’s brilliant light quells many years’ darkness to heraldpeace.
Athousand lotus flowers’ sweet scents pierce the stratosphere toreach Ultimate Bliss.
Maythe merit and virtue of lighting lamps,
beuniversally transferred to all beings
inthe Dharma Realm
andmay all attain Bodhi fruition.
Mayall attain bliss and leave suffering,
bringforth Bodhi resolve and attain Bodhi Way.