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回答: 蘇珊米勒 8月 全部完成風麗2013-08-02 15:27:04















Scorpio Horoscope for August 2013

By Susan Miller

This month brims with good news for your career! It does not matter if you'd like to leave your present job for a better one in another company, get a big promotion in your present firm, or have been unemployed and hope to get work at a new job that is interesting, well paying, and uses your talents well. All Scorpios of every status will benefit. If you are self-employed, you can now aim for new clients and be amazed at the types of assignments you are able to reel in - the new project you get will be so good you'll want everyone to know about the part you play in it. All Scorpios will do well professionally during this amazing month. Any job that comes up now would likely be a big step up from your former position.

What makes me so excited about this new moon for you is that it will receive such amazing support from Uranus, the planet of surprise, now in your workaday sector. This tells me that a present or past assignment that you worked on and that came out so well will now put you in line for a much better position. This also tells me that the opportunity will zing in out of nowhere, when you least expect to be tapped. You need to be ready, so have your resume and biography ready for anyone who asks you for it. You won't want to drop the ball by saying you need time to work on it. Be ready!

Your moment will arrive at the new moon will in Leo, 15 degrees, on August 6, and in the ten days that come after its appearance. Each day will become a little weaker as you move away from August 6, so plan to act just AFTER that new moon arrives but at the same time, don't let too much time pass. As you see, it would be wise for you not to be on vacation this month, or you will miss the brilliant vibrations at play. It is not a matter of just coming back and resuming life - you must be ready to act immediately after August 6.

The golden triangle that appeared in the sky in mid-July, and that is so rare that astrologers in every country of the world were abuzz about it, will still have sparkling energy in it before it fades in the second half of August. This means Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces will join hands to help you find an opportunity. Foreign markets shine for you now, so think about the possibility for you to work overseas or in the international division of your company or set up an import-export company to trade goods or services. Publishing and broadcasting ventures and companies should do well for you. You will also shine in an academic setting, so look into anything to do with getting a research grant, defending your thesis, or teaching in a university. Positions that involve the law are also shimmering. Above all, the entertainment industry will be fantastically favored for you in August - pay close attention to those types of jobs as well.

If you didn't read my last month's forecast for you, you may want to read it now because July would set so much of the themes in the coming twelve months. If you scroll down here, you can find the link below your Dates to Note this month. What makes this triangle so extraordinary for you is that all the planets mentioned are in water signs, and you are a water sign, so this golden triangle will favor you above others. If you not a Scorpio but have Scorpio rising, the same outlook will be true for you. Either way, you are likely to find yourself in precisely the right place at the right time! Wow, Scorpio, get busy! (You see why I don't want you away on vacation?)

So in short you need to touch base with as many influential people as possible the minute the new moon in Leo arrives on or just after August 6. Tell everyone you know the type of position you want to find. Something is likely to turn up that you will be able to investigate. Remember that big jobs take time to win - often taking months of interviews - but you will have your best shot if you BEGIN the interview process quickly, just after the new moon arrives. Astrology is not about destiny but about planning - now you have your best day to begin your initiations, working with the cycle of the universe, not against it.

Your career will get a second big push forward once Mars, your secondary ruler, moves into Scorpio on August 27. Mars will act as a booster rocket, enlarging all that you do, and giving it more power and punch. This is so fortunate that you will have Mars working through the constellation of Leo and your prestigious house of honors, awards, and promotion! Mars only comes once every two years to any house of the zodiac, and this year it's August 27 to October 15!

October will not be entirely easy, especially with cosmic storms rolling through in the first week and an eclipse on October 18. Knowing this, focus on August and September as your very best months to make your key professional initiations. You won't have anything this positive for another year, July 26, 2014, to be precise, so use this energy to its fullest extent. You must make calls!

Your home or other property will also be on your mind this month too, at the full moon in Aquarius at 28 degrees on August 20. For some reason, you will be thinking about home - you may be moving, selling, buying, leasing, buying furniture, renovating, painting, redecorating, looking for a roommate, and doing any number of changes in your living situation. Last month we had a full moon in the same area of your chart (in Aquarius, 0 degrees, on July 22), so you may have been thinking about your home, family, or property situation for a while and trying to settle matters.

This full moon will be conjunct Neptune, so you will have one of three possible outcomes. The first would be that you may you have problems with flooding, tainted water, or other difficulties with water. If you are buying a home, it's imperative that you pay attention to the water situation - hire an excellent engineer to find out if anything is potentially wrong, or if the place the house is located has been subject to hurricanes or other natural disasters involving water. Go to the coffee shop closest to your intended new home and ask the patrons - the older people who have lived in the neighborhood will give you the most information.

Neptune may obscure information, so ask a lot of questions. Why did the former tenants move? Was there ever a terrible crime in the house, or in the neighborhood? Are the neighbors loud and difficult? Is your new landlord a psychopath? (Just kidding.) If you are interviewing a new roommate who you don't know, you will have to do a very thorough background check on this person, not only for a financial history, but also a character check. You have a right to know. (I am not saying any of these questions will uncover anything troubling, but simply giving you ideas to start you thinking. I am wondering why anyone would want to obscure information from you, but with Neptune prominent, you have to be careful. Be thorough in your investigation before moving in.

Neptune can have a very different effect, and here it would be a wonderful influence - Neptune rules artistic expressions of all kinds, for Father Neptune is the patron planet of the arts. You may be buying art to hang on the walls of your new or present house, or you may be inspired to fix up your space with new colors on the walls and floor, and to add new accessories for a new, updated look. Designing your home would be a creative exercise that a planet like Neptune would certainly oversee, and it would be a great time to do so. After this full moon is over, plus or minus four days of August 20, you won't have another emphasis on home and family again until the end of January and in February. Why not get your home shipshape for the coming holidays, starting now?

How will you do in love? Fine! Mars in Cancer from August 1 to 26 will give you a sexy glow, for fellow water sign Cancer is such a supportive sign for you. Yes, Mars in Cancer will urge you to go away to a place by the sea, and I admit that. If you HAVE to go on a vacation or say you will lose your mind, then go during the first few days of August. Before you go, make sure you have all your credentials lined up to show if you get the big call, like a polished resume and bio, an updated reel, and other show-and-tell items you will want to bring along to further your evidence that you are right for the position.

Neptune in Pisces is putting you in a romantic mood, and is encouraging your creativity, too. With the golden triangle so strong in the first half of August, and Neptune in your fifth house of true love, you will have lots of help from Neptune to bring you into a bewitching phase.

The month closes on a great set of days, August 29, 30, and 31, when Mercury and Jupiter will be beautifully angled. Use one or all of these days for signing a contract, giving a speech, taking a quick weekend trip, possibly to see friends in another location, or going with several friends.

You have an enviable month, dear Scorpio! Now, go, get started!


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