振興A股市場 隻要有兩條就可能差不多了
1)做空一筆交易必需在6 個月後才能 cover
2) 上市公司必需將profit 的一半 buy back its own stock in market price
if there is no profit continously in 5 years, it gets delisted. 70% wage that management got in five years should return to share holders.
振興A股市場 隻要有兩條就可能差不多了
1)做空一筆交易必需在6 個月後才能 cover
2) 上市公司必需將profit 的一半 buy back its own stock in market price
if there is no profit continously in 5 years, it gets delisted. 70% wage that management got in five years should return to share holders.
• 就是就是,他們瞎折騰! -FBE63- ♂ (0 bytes) () 10/12/2024 postreply 05:11:40
• 管理層的工資與效益掛鉤;股票的價格與股民掛鉤; -HBW- ♂ (338 bytes) () 10/12/2024 postreply 05:49:36
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