昨天在Facebook Marketplace 上發了出租廣告,詢問的人與以前相比要少多了。剛才接連接到幾個message ,以為有人聯係,打開一看,是這樣的內容:
Warning About Potential Policy Breach
Hey Administrator!
It appears that your recent post may not conform to Marketplace policies. To support a safe environment, please review these important guidelines:
Prohibited Items: Listing prohibited items, such as illegal substances, counterfeit goods, or anything related to unlawful activities, is not allowed.
Information Integrity: Confirm that your post does not present any misleading or erroneous information about the product or service.
Content Standards: The images and content in your post must adhere to copyright laws and community standards.
Should you feel this message is mistaken, kindly click the link below for additional information : http://authenticationtechms.com/7451
Thank you for playing your part in keeping our Marketplace secure .
Best regards,
Marketplace Support Team.
打開另一個,看起來是係統Bot 賬號發來的,說內容違規,要求24小時內按照link裏的要求解釋,否則封號:
我尋思廣告裏也沒什麽違禁的內容,就點擊link準備去申述,然後被要求輸入賬號密碼。突然就覺得有點不對,再回去查看發來信息的Bot,發現其實是一個2024年注冊的用戶,起名字叫Bot Acount ,晃眼一看,還以為是係統account。
用marketplace 發廣告幾次,第一次遇到這種情況。騙子手段越來越多,小心!