professional plumber's snake should be able to cut through most stuffs tossed into the toilet.
3000 for a snaking job is too much.
professional plumber's snake should be able to cut through most stuffs tossed into the toilet.
3000 for a snaking job is too much.
非常感謝!Can collapsed pipe be repaired without digging?
(0 bytes)
11/18/2022 postreply
Lol 可以的,讓神筆馬良給畫一個。
(0 bytes)
11/18/2022 postreply
好主意!可能要看具體情況,這裏有個換房子下麵sewer line的例子 (鏈接見正文)
(217 bytes)
11/19/2022 postreply
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