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回答: 紐時,垃圾文章的垃圾邏輯木有文化2023-10-04 17:02:04

1. 在援助本國國民這件事(給福利上)MAGA比非MAGA的人更願意嗎? 他們在這件事上的立場實際上很明確。  就是把錢“還給富豪”(2017稅改)。

2.  MAGA不單在這件事上反民主,不是一天兩天,一個決議兩個決議的問題。 在美國大選, 焚書坑儒,Gerrymandering 控製子宮等諸多事情上反民主。  

3.  請注意,這本來就是 Opinion的文章, 表達的是作者觀點,不是紐時的社論,所以並不代表紐時的立場。  人總是可以有自己的觀點的, 表達一下自己的觀點, 不代表我就是偉光正。 

還有, 中文翻譯也許不夠到位, 原文針對的是"MAGA Politicians"。  當然這些政客也反映和影響他們的選民。  他們支持普京也不是一天兩天的事。 。。。。

Why, then, do MAGA politicians want to cut Ukraine off?

The answer is, unfortunately, obvious. Whatever Republican hard-liners may say, they want Putin to win. They view the Putin regime’s cruelty and repression as admirable features that America should emulate. They support a wannabe dictator at home and are sympathetic to actual dictators abroad.

So pay no attention to all those complaints about how much we’re spending in Ukraine. They aren’t justified by the actual cost of aid, and the people claiming to be worried about the cost don’t really care about the money. What they are, basically, is enemies of democracy, both abroad and at home.
