Who said 樁是承壓構件,設計中一般不考慮受拉的?

來源: Geotech 2009-07-02 23:01:29 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (771 bytes)
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回答: 談談我的看法 (圖)龍坡居士2009-06-29 15:45:19
I am a geotechnical engineer. My daily job is doing foundation design, including shallow foundation (e.g., spread footing) and deep foundation (e.g., piles). I don't do the structure design, but I know the piles have be structurally designed for compression, tension, shear, and bending.
The pictures clearly shows the piles failed due to their structural capacity. I have to say most of 飄兄's comments are wrong. 龍坡居士兄's observation and conclusion basically are very correct.

工字鋼梁can not be 用在樓房的基礎上? They can be. They are just way more expensive compared to concrete piles. Depending on site conditions, sometimes steel pipe piles or H piles ( 工字鋼梁), instead of concrete piles, have to be used due to hard driving is anticipated.


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