臊子麵 - 正宗不正宗不知道,但肯定是最好吃的 (視頻+圖文)

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手擀麵 - noodle

適量韭菜 - Appropriate amount of chives

2個 雞蛋 - 2 eggs

肉臊子(Meat Saozi) Ingredients:

800克 五花肉 - 800g pork belly


適量的香葉,八角,桂皮,肉蔻,丁香,小茴香,花椒 - Moderate amount of bay leaves, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, cumin, pepper,

1小勺十三香 - 1 tsp thirteen spices

蔥段和生薑片 - Sliced shallots and ginger

兩大勺紅辣椒碎 - 2 tbsp red chili pepper powder

一小勺老抽 - 1 tsp dark soy sauce

一大勺生抽 - 1 tbsp light soy sauce

一大勺料酒 - 1 tbsp cooking wine

一點鹽 - a little salt

素臊子(Vegetabe Saozi ) Ingredients:

6塊香幹 - 6 dried Tofu

2根胡蘿卜 - 2 carrots

1個西紅柿 - 1 tomato

適量木耳 - a little fungus

適量黃花菜 - a little dried day lily

臊子湯(Saozi Soup) Ingredients:

4-6 杯水 - 4-6 cup water

1小勺鹽 - 1tsp salt

1大勺香醋 - 1tbsp Vinegar

1小勺雞精 - 1tsp chicken essence

6大勺油辣子 - 6 tbsp chili oil



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