your disk has C and D, they are NTFS, Dos boot floopy cat not read them.
so when you boot from floopy by use DOS, you do not see any patition.
format c: do not work, because DOS see no patition.
fdisk c: has sentax error, it is "fdisk" only, no "c".
what you need to do is.
1. boot from floopy by use DOS.
2. "fdisk" to create C in FAT16 format.
3. reboot by use DOS boot flopy
4. format c:
5. instll win2000 or XP by cd d:\i388 winnnt.
5a. if you do not see D drive, install CD-ROM driver called di, it is DOS version.
5b. if you have win98 boot floopy, it come with CD-ROM driver.