
來源: t123 2011-01-17 16:47:32 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (136 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ t123 ] 在 2011-01-17 16:48:27 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

你要麽FUP Exceeded,要麽free。哪有一會兒FUP Exceeded,一會兒free的

2011-01-17 01:56:22 +86XXXXXXXXXX (FUP exceeded) 00:10:52 € 0.220

2011-01-17 01:54:30 +86XXXXXXXXXXX 00:01:20 FREE!

2011-01-16 01:48:48 +86XXXXXXXXXX (FUP exceeded) 00:06:09 € 0.140

2011-01-16 01:34:35 +86XXXXXXXXXX 00:13:00 FREE!

2011-01-15 04:55:30 +86XXXXXXXXXX (FUP exceeded) 00:16:59 € 0.340

2011-01-15 04:48:09 +86XXXXXXXXXX 00:06:55 FREE!

2011-01-15 04:38:19 +86XXXXXXXXXX 00:05:13 FREE!

2011-01-15 02:01:52 +86XXXXXXXXXX 00:27:37 FREE!

2011-01-15 01:58:22 +86XXXXXXXXXX 00:03:00 FREE!

2011-01-13 03:00:31 +86XXXXXXXXXX(FUP exceeded) 00:23:55 € 0.480

2011-01-13 02:51:50 +86xxxxxxxxxx (FUP exceeded) 00:07:55 € 0.160


不知道voipraider怎麽樣 -internuts- 給 internuts 發送悄悄話 internuts 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 18:46:19

不太清楚,以前用過VoipDiscount, 覺得做生意什還本分 -t123- 給 t123 發送悄悄話 t123 的博客首頁 (8 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 19:33:52

searched web for user review, voipraider is "horrible" -internuts- 給 internuts 發送悄悄話 internuts 的博客首頁 (34 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 20:10:41

VoipDiscount is of betamax, no good either -internuts- 給 internuts 發送悄悄話 internuts 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 20:11:29

how is callwithus calling china? Sipgate cannot call China now! -chat092- 給 chat092 發送悄悄話 chat092 的博客首頁 (50 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 20:45:27

callwithus is good, great sound quality, minimum delay -internuts- 給 internuts 發送悄悄話 internuts 的博客首頁 (121 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 21:14:59

Rynga is also batamax, upto now it is good, never over charged -chat092- 給 chat092 發送悄悄話 chat092 的博客首頁 (31 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 21:23:49

are you still using Rynga? 10euro for 4 months free not bad -internuts- 給 internuts 發送悄悄話 internuts 的博客首頁 (50 bytes) () 01/17/2011 postreply 21:42:26

回複:yes -chat092- 給 chat092 發送悄悄話 chat092 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/18/2011 postreply 02:53:28

We had similar experiences when we first started to use Rynga. H -VOIPsetup- 給 VOIPsetup 發送悄悄話 (330 bytes) () 01/18/2011 postreply 11:38:57

換一下IP地址會不會也行? -fitwxc- 給 fitwxc 發送悄悄話 fitwxc 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 01/18/2011 postreply 13:29:02

最近電話常莫名其妙地斷掉 -t123- 給 t123 發送悄悄話 t123 的博客首頁 (50 bytes) () 01/18/2011 postreply 16:27:00



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