美研究:網絡搜索鍛煉大腦 (轉載)

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美研究:網絡搜索鍛煉大腦 (轉載)
















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A picture of the Webpage of Google search engine. Searching the Internet may help middle-aged and older adults keep their memories sharp, US researchers said on Tuesday.

Searching the Internet may help middle-aged and older adults keep their memories sharp, US researchers said on Tuesday.

Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles studied people doing Web searches while their brain activity was recorded with functional magnetic resonance imaging scans.

"What we saw was people who had Internet experience used more of their brain during the search," Dr. Gary Small, a UCLA expert on aging, said in a telephone interview.

"This suggests that just searching on the Internet may train the brain -- that it may keep it active and healthy," said Small, whose research appears in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

Many studies have found that challenging mental activities such as puzzles can help preserve brain function, but few have looked at what role the Internet might play.

"This is the first time anyone has simulated an Internet search task while scanning the brain," Small said.

His team studied 24 normal volunteers between the ages of 55 and 76. Half were experienced at searching the Internet and the other half had no Web experience. Otherwise, the groups were similar in age, gender and education.

Both groups were asked to do Internet searches and book reading tasks while their brain activity was monitored.

"We found that in reading the book task, the visual cortex -- the part of the brain that controls reading and language -- was activated," Small said.

"In doing the Internet search task, there was much greater activity, but only in the Internet-savvy group."

He said it appears that people who are familiar with the Internet can engage in a much deeper level of brain activity.

"There is something about Internet searching where we can gauge it to a level that we find challenging," Small said.

In the aging brain, atrophy and reduced cell activity can take a toll on cognitive function. Activities that keep the brain engaged can preserve brain health and thinking ability.

Small thinks learning to do Internet searches may be one of those activities.

"It tells us we probably can teach an old brain new Internet tricks," he said.

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Have a nice Thursday and great autumn. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 07:30:53

從搜索引擎給出的雜亂無章的網頁找到自己想要的信息的確是個 -SunOfBeach- 給 SunOfBeach 發送悄悄話 SunOfBeach 的博客首頁 (11 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 08:30:22

問好。 -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (72 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 08:51:47

還好還好,謝謝關心哪 -SunOfBeach- 給 SunOfBeach 發送悄悄話 SunOfBeach 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 13:12:03

不不不,不需要腦力。靠直覺 -磚頭bro- 給 磚頭bro 發送悄悄話 磚頭bro 的博客首頁 (472 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 14:30:07

有這麽多折扣麽?偶是從來不去你說的那倆個店,如果有喜歡 -!?- 給 !? 發送悄悄話 !? 的博客首頁 (78 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 14:57:22

Hi, !?, have a nice afternoon. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 15:52:23

網上搜索不是趕時髦,不圖熱門,但求有用 -磚頭bro- 給 磚頭bro 發送悄悄話 磚頭bro 的博客首頁 (1025 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 23:06:18

回複:網上搜索不是趕時髦,不圖熱門,但求有用 -!?- 給 !? 發送悄悄話 !? 的博客首頁 (785 bytes) () 10/17/2008 postreply 06:45:01

回複:回複:網上搜索不是趕時髦,不圖熱門,但求有用 -磚頭bro- 給 磚頭bro 發送悄悄話 磚頭bro 的博客首頁 (1485 bytes) () 10/18/2008 postreply 00:38:06

lol.. You are the expert. -林貝卡- 給 林貝卡 發送悄悄話 林貝卡 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/16/2008 postreply 15:51:38

我現在常常要教我幹媽學打字,上網,因為她很無聊 -rainygan- 給 rainygan 發送悄悄話 rainygan 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 10/23/2008 postreply 20:16:12



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