Sharing a link is called promoting pirated software? and that link not even a P2P one?YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF A FOOL AGAIN!
Why I asked you to share your " free software "? Don't you know what analogy means?
You think people here don't know those free software other than you?
You think you are the only one here so knowlegable? Just like you thought I was a new guy here? Funny & THANKS FOR FREE EDUCATION PLUS INNOCENCE haha!!
You're posing yourself like:
" A frog will only see the sky when sitting himeself in the bottom of a Well. " A Chinese idiom stated.
Why people uploading software in the forum for free? It is a forum for God's sake. that what's a forum all about.It has nothing to do with so called " Free lunch " It is a site where people have common interests to meet! Just like here!
Wenxuecity here got the samething happened every now & then.
Go to the music section on the main page. People upload muisc for others wanted it.
Some one asked say " where do I get Winrar? " Some one may replied or even provided a link such as Rapidshare for download. Is that means the one who replied is considered promoting pirated software? There are tons of people helping out with each other in every forum. Tell every one here DO NOT REPLY TO ANY SOFTWARE RELATED QUESTIONS THEN.
How do I find Wenxuecity here back then? There was a link posted by some one from a Hong Kong site called
According to your DEFINITION this is a also PROMOTING PIRATED SOFTWARE too. Internet is a a big " Information super high way " get it?!
What I'm trying to tell you is DO NOT JUDGE ANY ONE. There's always somthing you do and you don't. I don't use Limewire, Bearshare not even BT OR any P2P but I do go to different forum specially the English ones. Wenxuecity is just one of my Chinese forum and I have not been coming here for more than 2 months.
It is my first time to see a Moron like you eversince I became a member here 5 years ago! AND YOU NOT EVEN A MODERATOR OR SITE ADMIN here.You are just a member like myself
.What make you has the right to judge any one?
Let me tell you who was SS. SOFTSTUDIO that's what it's stand for. He was a guy selling software at this forum.If some people have been here for sometimes would no doubt know about the guy, infact, I saw quite a few people bought software from him and he was here almost every day for many years.
I still don't get it why some one like you to make things in a hard way. It was a cell phone forum site I shared. I didn't refer sites like serial&cracks or serials.w.s and you are absolutely have no right to say anthing even if I did UNLESS you are the site Admin.
Your ignorance has anger me and it triggers me to use offensive language. That also tells me you are such a naive bastard!
Well,I won't be back here for a while. Our whole conversation will be judged by other members here.One last advice.
There's always a negative impact in everything. We, Chinese called it " The cause & result "
回複:you know something, you don't know something
i said free education is over, didn't i?
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03/18/2007 postreply
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03/18/2007 postreply