Be careful

回答: 職場問題一問smileknight2020-02-17 08:34:14


"自從我加入之後,一直在旁邊觀察我,找我的過失想趕走我。此人頗具心機".  Be mindful of what you are thinking, he can see it.  This kind of thinking makes you avoid him, while you should have been demonstrating to him your competence.

"到了三個禮拜前,我趁著跟上司的上司,就是VP談提到了人員到位的問題".  Big no-no.  You need a very good reason to skip a level.  Didn't you think how he'd react when the VP talks to him?

"在這樣的情況下,我很驚訝,就說,“那看來今天,沒有必要再進行討論了,改天再討論吧。”就起身離開了".  He is the boss, he ends the meeting, you don't.  What you should have done is to continue the conversation about what you can do to improve on the things he pointed out.

Insubordination on your part would be his complaint when HR meets him.  HR's job is to make the management look good.

Unless you can get a big project from the VP, hard to see a good outcome.


