Hi Lvalv, what you are experiencing is nothing special or totally unreasonable. I have seen or dealt with many similar situations in the past 20 years as supervisor. Here please find a couple of suggestions:
- have a 1:1 face to face meeting, making it very clear with him about your expectations, be specific
- after meeting, send him an email summarizing what you have covered
- give him two weeks, then have another a 1:1 meeting, hilighting what progress been made and what you wanted him to improve
- repeating the process for two month
- if problem is not solved, talk to your HR manager to give him/her a heads up on issues you are running into, to seek his/her support
- after a quarter, if he still behaves like this, then you need to think seriously if you wanted to keep him in your team or not. if it's latter, then work with HR manager to come out a plan.
A couple of points:
- you are boss, you define the game rule in your shop - unless i was wrong
- be direct in communication and avoid guessing or gauging his feelling. we - by culture -tend to be very shy of challenging people, even in a situation the fualty party is not us
- be polite but assertive
- document key communications
Hope this helps a bit