
回答: 請教大家 這個事情要不要報告HR?cyhs2017-10-29 23:31:51


沒有針對性的F Word不是罵髒話,F Y 才是罵人,屬於語言攻擊,這個不能忍。他說了不是就不是。除非他多次犯。

對F Word, 建議你發一郵件給他:

Hi Dick,

I wanted to follow up with you on our conversation earlier today.

We both know we disagree on whether the blinds should be closed or not. And you feel very strongly about it. That's why when you cussed with F word after I closed the blinds and got up and opened it again, I felt the cursing and anger was directed toward me. Being cursed or verbally abused at workplace is not acceptable. I am glad you clarified that the F word was not directed at me.

I hope we can come to a common resolution on the blinds. But even if we don't, we both agreed that we should be civil about it. Cursing, and especially the ones directed towards me impacts my emotional state and affects my work. Please be considerate in the future.




RE: Our conversation about cursing

Hi Dick,

I am very disturbed about your cursing at me again earlier today. Although you claimed it was not directed, but it happened right after I closed the blinds and this is not the first time. I am starting to see a pattern here. Being a target of verbal abuse makes me fearful and depressed. I can't function professionally in an environment where verbal attacks happens regularly.

I am informing my boss to see if he could be of help for this situation. I don't want to get anyone in trouble but I will have no choice to get HR involved when I am targeted again.



至於窗簾的問題,太陽光是個好東西。Prestolite 是對的。有窗不開太浪費。你因該主動換個方向或位置。殺敵一萬,自損三千。你好我好大家好,職場中才能走得遠。


我旁邊cube坐了一個美國人,經常說F Word.

他總喜歡把背對著我們全部窗簾兒都開開 陽光會照到顯示器,我怕光經常去關靠近我的窗簾兒。上周五我又關過窗簾,他一直很生氣。後來說了個fword。然後起身去打開窗簾。。後來我跟他講了,他道歉了。不過強調,不是對我的。又一直強調這是他第一次說。




