Challenges younger managers face and how to overcome them

In a study published in the Journal of Organizational Psychology, researchers found that of 8,000 workers surveyed in 61 companies in Germany, older employees reported 12 per cent more negative emotions on the job. Furthermore, those companies performed worse overall according to superiors’ reports regarding financial and organizational performance.

Younger managers

  • Be respectful: Express an interest in your employee and ask them what they look for in a good manager. Also, don't assume just because your employee is older they're not tech savvy.
  • Learn from them: If you're new, your direct reports can guide you through the processes of the company. Older employees in particular are well versed in the company history, what has worked in the past and what clients want.
  • Be a boss: You may shy away from correcting or confronting an older employee who isn't doing their job well, but by letting them slide you're putting the entire team in jeopardy. Be firm and respectful, but don't be afraid to broach the subject.


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