Never heard of! What personal information did they verify?

來源: autumnjune 2016-06-21 20:59:03 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (518 bytes)
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回答: 一個星期就被lay off 了傷心找樹洞2016-06-21 20:38:34

I don't think you did anything wrong. Weak soft skill sounds like an excuse. Their circumstances may be shifting dramatically. For example, a big customer might have just notified them that orders would be reduced in the near future. 

Employment in the U.S. is at will. They have the right to let you go. 

Cheer up! Is there anything you can do to revert that decision? I don't think so. Move on and you're gonna to have a better offer.




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